Readers analyze how settings create moods that influence the text. The mood evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers through words, phrases or descriptions. Evoke - stir up, bring about
Read over your chart and we’ll get started. Let’s practice. Read over your chart and we’ll get started.
common moods check out your notes! Harry Potter Movie Trailer
Independent read & Conferring use stickies for your thoughts fill in your chart
groups Bring your fantasy novel and list of ‘moods’ when called. Be ready to discuss setting and mood! Setting - time and place in a story Mood - state of mind, feeling
Extended Practice ~ due Friday at end of class __ Think with Wonderopolis (only read one of the articles below) and answer the questions in your RRJ from the site: Mood Rings Music and Moods __ Pair up with a peer (or two) and write: Write a short story (3 paragraphs max) with a specific mood. Use words and phrases to make the mood. When you’re finished, have a peer read and jot the mood they feel on the back and WHY. __ Share one-two minutes via video on Seesaw of your Think or Pair. Don’t share about both unless you want. We’ll play a few at the end of class and discuss.