2019 Burns “Nicht” Supper Cordially Invites You To The The Saint Andrew’s Society of Mid-Maryland, Inc. Cordially Invites You To The 2019 Burns “Nicht” Supper Celebrating the 260th Birthday of Scotland’s greatest poet and author, Robert “Rabbie” Burns Saturday, February 23, 2019 Urbana Volunteer Fire Department Hall 3620 Urbana Pike, Rt. 355, Frederick, MD 21704 5:00pm Social Hour 6:00pm Parade and Address to the Haggis 6:30pm Buffet Dinner: Haggis, Highland Beef and Fried Chicken with Tatties, Veggies, Dessert, Coffee and Tea. 7:30pm Programme BYOB If desired, you are welcome to bring store prepared food items (due to County Health Regulations) Invite your family and friends! Period Burns attire, smart casual to formal, with a wisp o’ Tartan! All purchases are final. No refunds for cancellations.
All reservations and payment required by February 9, 2019 The Saint Andrew’s Society of Mid-Maryland, Inc. Saturday, February 23, 2019 Urbana Volunteer Fire Department Hall 3620 Urbana Pike, Rt. 355, Frederick, MD 21704 Seating is limited! All reservations and payment required by February 9, 2019 Payment before February 2nd Payment after February 2nd SASMM Member* $25.00 SASMM Member * $25.00 Non-member $30.00 Non-member $35.00 Full-time Student $20.00 Full-time Student $25.00 Children 6 – 12 $7.00 Children 6 – 12 $10.00 Children under 6 Free Children under 6 Free * SASMM Member: Those who have paid 2018-2019 membership dues and are listed, by name, on the Society membership list. TWO WAYS to MAKE RESERVATIONS and PAYMENT: 1. On-line: Go to https://sasmm.com/burns2019/ Complete the on-line form and choose payment methods (Paypal or Mailing Check). You may pay via Paypal using your credit card. or 2. Paper Form: Complete the reservation form (attached and available on-line) and mail the form and your check to: SASMM Burns Supper, c/o Margaret Hallaren 6603 Runkles Road Mt. Airy, MD 21771 Alternatively, you may also email form to: magaret@hallaren.com Please contact Margaret at 301.651.0654 or Marianne for any questions: 240-818-8283 All purchases are final. No refunds for cancellations.