SCIENCE FAIR The Sweet Sound Of Science Fair Paperwork Rustling On My Desk! By Sonia Burkholder-Blackstone Lake County Regional Science Fair Director
WELCOME! Agenda Introductions Why Science Fair? Science Fair Coordinators: Responsibilities/Rules Science Fair Paperwork Project Board Displays Important Dates Science Fair Forms Checklist How are students scored?
Why Science Fair? Great experience Meet students with the same interests State Science Fair International Science Fair College Resume/Application Scholarships
Papers you should have… Paperwork Due Dates Calendar of Events Science Fair School Coordinator Job Description Science Fair paperwork PowerPoint APA Research Paper
Link to Science Fair Paperwork!
NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. Nay. Nix. Never. Forget it NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! Nay! Nix! Never! Forget it! Rejection! Veto! Forbidden! Thumbs Down! Pass! Snub! Disallowance! Decline! Zero! RED TIDE NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! Nay! Nix! Never! Forget it! Rejection! Veto! Forbidden! Thumbs Down! Pass! Snub! Disallowance! Decline! Zero!
Responsibilities and Rules Science Fair Coordinator Responsibilities Must go to for the rules for STATE Science Fair that we must follow and International Science Fair Rules . Attend Fall Meeting Train teachers on paperwork and rules Coordinate school science fair Attend paperwork meeting on 1/9/19 Meet the deadline for submitting paperwork Follow up on necessary paperwork corrections Science Fair Teacher Responsibilities Assist students with paperwork Meet all deadlines Prepare students for competing at Regional, State, and International Levels
1. Must fill in all information on page 1 and 2 for individual projects. 2. Team projects must fill out pages 1-4. 3. Dates will be whenever you fill out the Entry Form.
1. Must be filled out because pictures will be taken and press will be present at Regional Science Fair. 2. Parent/Guardian signature and one witness must sign form. 3. Dates are to be whenever you signed it.
1. Signed by student and parent. 2 1. Signed by student and parent. 2. Dates must be before start of project. (look at form 1A). 3. #2a and #2b will only need to be filled out if project needs to be SRC’d.(SRC team will sign). 4. #3 does not need to be signed unless student goes to State. ( I will sign).
1. A Research Plan is not a research paper. 2 1. A Research Plan is not a research paper!!! 2. Procedures must be in steps not paragraphs and VERY DETAILED. 3. List all safety concerns and how you will prevent injury in your procedures. 4. Bibliography written in APA format. 5. Must include ISEF website in Bibliography.
#1-4 are used for Human Subjects, Vertebrate Animals, Biological Agents and Hazardous Chemicals.
1. Must be filled out and signed by person who helps student with project. 2. #5 must have a website. 3. Must be signed before start of project. (look at form 1A)
Students must have 6 copies of abstract and they must be signed by student in blue ink.
An abstract is an abbreviated version of your science fair project final report. For most science fairs it is limited to a maximum of 250 words (check the rules for your competition). The science fair project abstract appears at the beginning of the report as well as on your display board. Almost all scientists and engineers agree that an abstract should have the following five pieces: Introduction. This is where you describe the purpose for doing your science fair project or invention. Why should anyone care about the work you did? You have to tell them why. Did you explain something that should cause people to change the way they go about their daily business? If you made an invention or developed a new procedure, how is it better, faster, or cheaper than what is already out there? Motivate the reader to finish the abstract and read the entire paper or display board. Problem Statement. Identify the problem you solved or the hypothesis you investigated. Procedures. What was your approach for investigating the problem? Don't go into detail about materials unless they were critical to your success. Do describe the most important variables if you have room. Results. What answer did you obtain? Be specific and use numbers to describe your results. Do not use vague terms like "most" or "some." Conclusions. State what your science fair project or invention contributes to the area you worked in. Did you meet your objectives? For an engineering project state whether you met your design criteria.
Middle and High School Science Fair Paperwork All Projects must have the following forms: Entry Form Parent Release Form Checklist for Adult Sponsor Form 1 Student Checklist Form 1A Approval Form 1B with Research Plan Risk Assessment Form 3 Abstract 2019 – go to the below website and scroll down to 2019 Abstract (Fillable form version) **Abstracts do not need to be turned in with SRC paperwork. **
What is SRC???? SRC is a committee of qualified people that will go over the paperwork for a project before the project is started. The SRC will look over the International, State and Regional rules to decide if the project is okay for the student to complete. The SRC for this year will be October 11, 2018. All SRC paperwork must be to my office by 3pm on October 11, 2018!!!
Projects that must be SRC’d!!! Human Subjects -(including projects involving the use of psychological surveys) Potentially hazardous Biological Agents – High School only (microorganisms, recombinant DNA (rDNA) technologies, or human or animal fresh tissues, blood, or body fluids) Fire Vertebrate animals Research Institute Qualified Scientist Continuation Project Chemicals Collecting water from lakes, ponds, oceans etc. Hazardous Substances or Devices Drones ANY OTHER POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS ACTIVITY OR EXPERIMENT
If a student uses any of these forms the project must be SRC’d! In addition to the forms above you must also complete these forms if you are doing a project with the following: If a student uses any of these forms the project must be SRC’d! How do I find the Science Fair Forms? State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida
Display Board Research Question Hypothesis Variables Abstract Hypothesis Variables Abstract Project Title Procedures and Equipment Data Analysis (data tables, graphs and pictures) More Data Analysis Conclusion References
Science Fair Paperwork Checklist This is what you will get back with your student’s paperwork There will be a check if the form was there and a zero if the form is missing. Notes on things that need to change will be on the right hand side.
Do you need HELP. I can help Do you need HELP? I can help! I will visit your school and help you with your science fair paperwork! Contact Information Sonia Burkholder-Blackstone 352-253-6875