Medicare Fraud and Scams Hello, Thank you for being here. My name is…and I represent… I’m here to talk to you about Medicare Fraud and Scams. Funding provided by the Administration for Community Living (Department of Health and Human Services) California Health Advocates (c) 2018
Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) SMP is a federally funded project Established in 1997 SMPs empower and assist Medicare beneficiaries, their families and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach, counseling and education 54 SMPs across the country Senior Medicare Patrol’s funding is provided by the Administration for Community Living (Department of Health and Human Services). Our mission is to empower and assist Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach, counseling, and education. Congress regularly is briefed about fraud Back to the 1980s HIPAA legislation mandated
SMP Message: Protect Medical Identity by guarding the Medicare card Detect Fraudulent Billing by reviewing Medicare Summary Notices and Explanation of Benefits Report Medicare Fraud by calling SMP at 1-855-613-7080 SMP follows a 3-step approach and that is: PROTECT medical identity by guarding the Medicare card, DETECT errors by reviewing Medicare Summary Notices and Explanation of Benefits & REPORT suspicious billings by calling SMP at the toll free number provided, 855-613-7080.
It’s fraud associated with these two cards below: Medicare fraud: It’s fraud associated with these two cards below:
Not a victimless crime! 2015: Michigan doctor sentenced to 45 years -Misdiagnosed patients as having cancer, when in fact, they did not. -Gave patients medically unnecessary infusions or injections. Some patients died. -Collected $17.6 million from Medicare. Medicare fraud is not a victimless crime. Let’s start this discussion by giving this doctor a couple minutes of shame. In 2015, a Michigan doctor was sentenced to 45 years in prison for misdiagnosing patients as having cancer, then providing chemotherapy to patients who did not even have cancer, all for the sole purpose of making money off of Medicare. While this doctor ripped off Medicare of over 17 million dollars, lives were lost. Some patients died for receiving unnecessary infusions and injections as a result of having been misdiagnosed.
Why Should We Care? Theft of Medicare/Medi-Cal numbers leads to false claims Higher premiums Billions of tax dollars wasted When it comes to Medicare fraud, everyone loses! It should be in everyone’s best interest to save the integrity of the program for future generations.
Current trends: Durable Medical Equipment (DME)/Brace Scams Hospice Allegations of Agent Misconduct & Plan Marketing Violations via TV commercials, mail, telephone or in-person Billing Recently pubished report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) – the top Congressional watchdog –and chief oversight investigative tool for monitoring executive branch spending and management “IT would be nice to know how much fraud there is in Medicare …” A properly enrolled Medicare provider could submit a claim that looks perfectly legitimate but bills for services that were either never provided or were more complex than the service actually done Very difficult to catch
Beware of Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Brace Scams Unsolicited phone calls offering free braces covered by Medicare. TV commercials and newspaper ads offering “free” Medicare approved braces to alleviate pain. Urgently marked postcards notifying beneficiaries of pending eligibility for free Medicare-covered back and/or knee braces. Suspicious packages containing braces that were not ordered by your doctor. Charges on your Medicare Summary Notice statements for braces or other DME that you did not want or were not ordered by your doctor. Durable medical equipment (DME) scams, specifically around braces, continue to victimize Medicare beneficiaries throughout the state of CA. Some beneficiaries disclosed personal information to callers offering them braces. Others responded to TV commercials advertising braces to alleviate pain and later received a low quality brace or no brace at all. In both instances, Medicare paid hundreds of dollars for DME that was medically unnecessary and/or DME that was not rendered. To prevent Medicare waste and protect Medicare benefits, we continue to urge beneficiaries to guard their Medicare cards and remind them that if they are in need of any DME, they should consult with their doctor first to obtain medical necessity. With that said, please contact SMP to report any DME concerns you may have.
Medicare Summary Notice: Take a look at how much Medicare is paying for braces. It’s extremely costly!
Beware of Questionable Hospice Enrollment Beware of hospice companies enrolling patients who do not have a terminal illness with 6 months or less to live. Don’t get tricked by hospice companies offering free services such as housekeeping, home health, nurse visits, durable medical equipment and/or medications for “free". Medicare does not pay for this! Report hospice companies who give presentations at senior housing facilities and offer assistance with cooking and cleaning. Beware of calls or unannounced visits by hospice companies offering additional benefits such as help with cooking and cleaning. The second trend SMP would like to bring to your attention is related to the new Medicare card. In this scheme, scammers use the Medicare card as a hook to obtain personal information from Medicare beneficiaries. Scammers call beneficiaries offering to send the new Medicare card if they have yet to receive it, offering to activate the new card, and most popular, offering to send the new card along with a complimentary brace. Just this week, we learned about a scam call where caller said the new Medicare card made of paper was just a temporary one, and by verifying the old Medicare number, which contains a Social Security, they would send a plastic card. Please contact SMP if you or someone you know believes the old or new Medicare cards have been compromised.
Beware of Agent/Broker Misconduct An agent enrolled a beneficiary into a plan without their permission. Agent told the beneficiary that their physician takes the plan. Agent offers free trips, meals in return for signing up. Agent misrepresents the plans benefits. Agent tells beneficiary they have to sign up or they will lose their Medicare. The second trend SMP would like to bring to your attention is related to the new Medicare card. In this scheme, scammers use the Medicare card as a hook to obtain personal information from Medicare beneficiaries. Scammers call beneficiaries offering to send the new Medicare card if they have yet to receive it, offering to activate the new card, and most popular, offering to send the new card along with a complimentary brace. Just this week, we learned about a scam call where caller said the new Medicare card made of paper was just a temporary one, and by verifying the old Medicare number, which contains a Social Security, they would send a plastic card. Please contact SMP if you or someone you know believes the old or new Medicare cards have been compromised.
“Betty and the Medicare Health Plan – Making the Right Choice” is now available in electronic format in English/Spanish (one side is in English/one side is in Spanish). Betty and the Medicare Health Plan – Making the Right Choice” is now available. Flyers are in color form with English content on one side, Spanish content on the other. To get your order today, please contact us.
DETECT-Review MSNs & EOBs Keep track of medical appointments -Use journal or calendar Look for three things on your statements: -Charges for something you didn’t get -Billing for the same services or supplies twice -Services that weren’t ordered by your doctor Medicare Summary Notice (MSN) Statement that shows what providers and suppliers billed Medicare in a 3-month period Accessible 24/7 via Explanation of Benefits (EOB) In addition to our “Guard your Medicare card” message, please help us share the word about how important it is to review Medicare Summary Notices and Explanation of Benefits statement. Checking these statements for errors will truly reduce Medicare waste and will ensure Medicare benefits have not been compromised. To learn how to read and review any of these two statements, call SMP.
Beware of: Genetic Testing marketing New Medicare Card related scams Recently pubished report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) – the top Congressional watchdog –and chief oversight investigative tool for monitoring executive branch spending and management “IT would be nice to know how much fraud there is in Medicare …” A properly enrolled Medicare provider could submit a claim that looks perfectly legitimate but bills for services that were either never provided or were more complex than the service actually done Very difficult to catch
Beware of Genetic Testing Schemes Promise personalized medicine. Free cancer screenings. Covered by Medicare! Cheek swab is taken. Medicare pays thousands of dollars worth of unnecessary genetic testing. SMP has cases where people are giving presentations to seniors or offering ice cream socials while also conducting “cheek swabs” for genetic testing. These tests can help alert people about potentially negative interactions to medications they are taking, as genetically some people don’t respond well to certain drug therapies. Yet, Medicare only covers such a test if there are already signs, symptoms, complaints, or personal history of disease or injury warranting a test, and a person’s physician orders it. Medicare does NOT cover it as part of a generic group screening. swabs”
Beware of New Medicare Cards Scams Caller claims to be from Medicare and offers to send your new Medicare card in exchange for personal information. Caller offers to activate your new Medicare card. Caller agrees to send your new Medicare card along with a complimentary back brace. Caller wants to send you a plastic new Medicare card. The second trend SMP would like to bring to your attention is related to the new Medicare card. In this scheme, scammers use the Medicare card as a hook to obtain personal information from Medicare beneficiaries. Scammers call beneficiaries offering to send the new Medicare card if they have yet to receive it, offering to activate the new card, and most popular, offering to send the new card along with a complimentary brace. Just this week, we learned about a scam call where caller said the new Medicare card made of paper was just a temporary one, and by verifying the old Medicare number, which contains a Social Security, they would send a plastic card. Please contact SMP if you or someone you know believes the old or new Medicare cards have been compromised.
Treat you Medicare card like a credit card number. PROTECT- Guard Your Card = Treat you Medicare card like a credit card number. Don’t carry your Medicare card unless you need it. Only take it to medical appointments, visits to your hospital or clinic, or trips to the pharmacy. Never give your Medicare number to a stranger. PROTECT: There is still SMP work to be done even with the implementation of new Medicare cards. A new Medicare card does not mean the end of Medicare fraud. If the new Medicare card becomes compromised, it leaves the potential for medical theft which may lead to false claims submitted to Medicare. For this reason, we must continue the “Guard your card” message and remind Medicare beneficiaries to never give this number to a stranger and to only carry their Medicare card if they need it for medical appointments.
Common Health Care Scams: Free Health Screenings – a vendor offers to provide “free” health care screenings, lab tests or other services but asks for a person’s Medicare number. Counterfeit Prescription Drugs – beneficiaries purchase medication over the Internet to save money, but the drugs they receive are not the right medication or the right dosage. Insurance Bait & Switch or Cross-selling – licensed agents present information about a Medicare Advantage plan, describing benefits and services that the plan doesn’t actually offer, and then sign people up for a plan that isn’t right for them.
SMP Fraud Alerts are available in different languages including: English –Chinese –Spanish –Vietnamese –Korean –Russian –Farsi You may access these fraud alerts by visiting our California Health Advocates website at:
SMP placemats available in English and Spanish. SMP Scam Pyramid Placemat: Another free resource available to you is our SMP scam pyramid placemat. They have content on the front and back, come in bundles of 125 and are available in English and Spanish. For placemats, please contact Jasmine. Materials are free and shipping is free. SMP placemats available in English and Spanish. To place an order, contact Jasmine at
1-855-613-7080 Get connected today! Like & follow our CHA &SMP Facebook pages Subscribe to our e-newsletter To order free materials or schedule a presentation at no-charge, call 1-855-613-7080 Get connected today with materials and updates! We kindly encourage all of you to like us on Facebook and subscribe to our e-newsletter to stay connected with important Medicare and Medicare fraud updates. There’s our website and toll-free Medicare fraud hotline 855-613-7080. We’re a phone call away if you would like to report any potential Medicare fraud concerns you may have.