Status of COSMIC and Missions of Opportunity Bill Schreiner and CDAAC Team COSMIC Retreat Oct 13, 2011
Outline COSMIC Mission CDAAC Status Missions of Opportunity
NESDIS CDAAC COSMIC Operational Processing Getting COSMIC Results to Weather Centers COSMIC Operational Processing TACC JCSDA NCEP RTSs: Alaska Norway McMurdo Wallops Ny-alesund Cordoba AF/Hanscom NESDIS UCAR/Unidata’s LDM CDAAC ECMWF Research Community WGET CWB GTS 1500-2000 WMO BUFR Files per day with Latency ~ 75-90min Input Data COSMIC data Attitude data GPS ground data GPS NDM Bits GFS Forecast IGS/IGU ORB/CLK Bernese Config files UKMO JMA SFTP AFWA Canada Met. Meteo France Science & Archive Providing data to > 1,691 registered users from 61 countries
CDAAC Profiles COSMIC Occultation CNOFS Occultation The number of ionospheric soundings have decreased recently because of some satellite troubles, especially antenna problems which have prompted us to us use the forward-facing POD antenna--this cuts out many ionospheric occultations. 4
Successful CDAAC Profiles Apr 21, 2006 – Oct 9, 2011 COSMIC Neutral Atmosphere ~ 3.0M COSMIC Ionosphere EDPs ~ 3.0M The number of ionospheric soundings have decreased recently because of some satellite troubles, especially antenna problems which have prompted us to us use the forward-facing POD antenna--this cuts out many ionospheric occultations. 5
~90% available within 3 hrs Average 75-90 min for single orbit dump Data Latency Out of Contact The number of ionospheric soundings have decreased recently because of some satellite troubles, especially antenna problems which have prompted us to us use the forward-facing POD antenna--this cuts out many ionospheric occs. ~90% available within 3 hrs Average 75-90 min for single orbit dump
COSMIC Payload SNRs (L1/L2) 7
COSMIC Firmware Status Tested new firmware version 4.5.5 on FM5 in May 2011 L2C tracking Setting occultations are high quality Lower than expected number of L2C rising occultations. JPL investigating Store GPS ephemeris Improved rising occultations after reboot Occasional flash corruption. Flash must be reset. JPL investigating problem Future Update, 4.5.6: Add option to track only setting L2C occultations Soon after, upload 4.5.6 to all Spacecraft
CDAAC Design CDAAC File types in RED tipLv1 (Radiances) scnLv1 (S4/σΦ) Scint. podObs Atmospheric processing RINEX atmPhs atmPrf (α,N,T,P) Abel Inversion 1-D Var Moisture Correction Excess Phase Level 0--level 1 LEO Science and SOH data wetPrf bfrPrf Real time Task Scheduling Software GNSS Clock Estimation LEO POD Profiles ionPrf (EDPs) Ionospheric processing GNSS ground data GNSS NDM Bits IGS/IGU ORB/CLK Bernese Config files GFS Forecast Absolute TEC Excess Phase Ionospheric Inversion ionPhs podTec (TEC)
CDAAC High Availability Active I/O Computer Backup File server File server 4 – 6 Processing Nodes High Speed (10 GigE) Internal net Non - VIP Out Only I/O : Data providers and VIP only. (Gig E) Linux HA with DRBD mirroring Linux HA (High Availability) on IO servers DRBD replication Heartbeat detection One server active, one server on hot standby Two completely redundant clusters for data processing Includes separate RAIDs Both systems ‘think’ they are primary Configuration management CentOS RPMs CDAAC RPMs Configuration repository and verification tool Backup power UPS Diesel generator System Monitoring Active/Backup geographically isolated CDAAC availability > 99.5 %
CDAAC R&D System Configuration and Monitoring GNSS Processing ZTD, GNSS Clocks, LEO POD, excess phase Neutral Atmospheric Inversions Improve wave optics processing Improve bending angle optimization 1DVAR retrievals Ionospheric Processing Absolute TEC Electron density retrievals Investigate QC and perform additional validation studies
CDAAC Status New Operational HW working well Testing new Re-Processing Cluster Released CDAAC 3.11 to TACC Processing data from all available missions, including ionospheric products
Processing Data from MOOs at CDAAC Interface with RTS downlink Decoding and formatting binary level 0 science payload data System modification, configuration and management Data processing modifications Testing and validation NRT operations and monitoring Post-processing, archival, maintenance Program and TAA management Recent experience with C/NOFS, SAC-C, Metop/GRAS, KOMPSAT-5
GNSS RO Possible Missions of Opportunity (MOOS)
Metop/GRAS Metop/GRAS Data Gaps lead to processing differences Metop/GRAS bending angle differences of several percent in LT for different processing modes Mission Independence of RO COSMIC-Metop bending angle bias between 40 and 60km ~ 3e-8 rad, (0.02%) at 20 km altitude
Missions of Opportunity SAC-C power anomaly. Return to service possible. C/NOFS nominal. Possible to increase # of soundings Metop/GRAS nominal. Waiting for EUMETSAT on NRT data use. KOMPSAT-5 (IGOR+), Launch ~Dec 2011 Preparing CDAAC to process data Preparing TAA for operational and trouble-shooting support Spanish PAZ mission (IGOR+). MOU finalized. TAA soon. EQUARS MOU and TAA next.
Missions of Opportunity TerraSAR-X, German mission, Launch Jun 2007 BRE IGOR GFZ providing NRT ~200 setting profiles to GTS (UCAR assisted GFZ in debugging problem) Tandem-X, German mission, Launch Jun 2010 Similar orbit as TerraSAR-X, useful for scientific studies OCEANSAT-2, Indian mission, Launch Sept 2009 ROSA receiver Commissioning phase, no data available Aquarius/SAC-D, US/Argentina, Launch June 2011
Daily Occultation Count currently operating and future missions Occultations per day
Support to the Community Providing data/support to 1691 data users from 61 countries Providing NRT data to NWPs, AFWA, and 79 university users via Unidata’s LDM Support field programs (VOCALS, TimRex, Dynamo) ~300 peer-reviewed publications about COSMIC and GPS/MET. The COSMIC team C/N ratio is ~33 Providing algorithm, software and processing support (RO-Trends, ..) Hosting/Organizing data users and climate workshops and student programs Providing science and engineering support to NOAA for COSMIC-2 mission, and to MOOs Data Downloaded ~223TB (~1/3 from university community)