CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Science 9 Mrs. Livingston 327-7010 September 2018 Course Structure Notes & Questions Lab Activities Science Literacy Warm Ups Technology SUPPLY LIST Writing Utensils Binder Paper (lined and graph) Calculator Project Materials (optional) Topics: INTRODUCTION (Scientific Method, Lab Safety, WHMIS, and Lab Equipment) REPRODUCTION (Microscope, Cells, Cell Division, Flowering Plants, DNA, and Cloning) SPACE (Planetary Motion, Our Solar System, Changing Ideas about the Universe, and Space Exploration) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) EXTRA HELP Extra help is available at lunch hour on most days. If extra help is needed after school, please check in advance to ensure that I am available. I am at school most nights until at least 4. GRADING POLICY Term 1: 40% Term 2: 40% Final Exam: 20% CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Be respectful of yourself and others. Be on time. Be prepared for class. Work independently and cooperatively Attendance is crucial to your success. Complete assigned work Cell phones are not to be visible during class times Be responsible for missed work. WARM UP REWRITES Rewrites for warmups will be at lunch on designated days. Corrections must be made before a rewrite can be completed. The intention of rewriting a warm up is to ensure that the concept is mastered prior to the test. s Text: Nelson Science 9