Today’s agenda: Check Practice 6-4 handout Lesson 6-5 and 6-6 Choose teams for tomorrow’s review Get Wednesday’s homework Missing signed grades: Addison Hanson Jessica Bryan Missing Ch 5 corrections: Addison Bryan
Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions LESSON 6-5 Problems of the Day (For help, go to Lesson 5-4.) 1. Vocabulary Review A proportion is an equation stating that two ? are equal. Solve each proportion using cross products. 2. = 3. = 4. = n 32 1 4 6 n 2 5 7 8 n 100 Check Skills You’ll Need 6-5
Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions LESSON 6-5 Problems of the Day (For help, go to Lesson 5-4.) 1. Vocabulary Review A proportion is an equation stating that two ratios are equal. Solve each proportion using cross products. 2. = 3. = 4. = n 32 1 4 6 n 2 5 7 8 n 100 Check Skills You’ll Need 6-5
Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions LESSON 6-5 Additional Examples What percent of 150 is 45? You can write a proportion to find the percent. = 45 150 n 100 Write a proportion. Write the cross products. 150n = 45(100) 150n 150 Divide each side by 150. 45(100) = n = 30 Simplify. 45 is 30% of 150. Quick Check 6-5
Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions LESSON 6-5 Additional Examples 35% of 90 is what number? = n 90 35 100 Write a proportion. Write the cross products. 100n = 90(35) 100n 100 Divide each side by 100. 90(35) = n = 31.5 Simplify. 35% of 90 is 31.5. Quick Check 6-5
Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions LESSON 6-5 Additional Examples 117 is 45% of what number? The model shows the relationship. = 117 n 45 100 Write the proportion. Write the cross products. 45n = 117(100) Divide each side by 45. 45n 45 117(100) = n = 260 Simplify. 117 is 45% of 260. Quick Check 6-5
Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions LESSON 6-5 Lesson Quiz Use a proportion to solve. 1. What percent of 240 is 60? 2. 90 is what percent of 120? 3. 75% of what number is 66? 4. 24 is 96% of what number? 25% 75% 88 25 6-5
Solving Percent Problems Using Equations LESSON 6-6 Check Skills You’ll Need (For help, go to Lesson 4-4.) 1. Vocabulary Review State the Division Property of Equality. Solve each equation. 2. 3n = 51 3. = 12 x 4 Check Skills You’ll Need 6-6
Solving Percent Problems Using Equations LESSON 6-6 Check Skills You’ll Need Solutions 1. If both sides of an equation are divided by the same nonzero number, the results are equal. 2. 3n = 51; n = = 17 3. = 12; x = 4(12) = 48 x 4 51 3 6-6
Solving Percent Problems Using Equations LESSON 6-6 Additional Examples Use an equation to solve: 18% of what number is 81? Words 18% of a number is 81. Let n = the number. Equation 0.18 • n = 81 0.18n 81 0.18 0.18 = Divide each side by 0.18. n = 450 Simplify. Quick Check 6-6
Solving Percent Problems Using Equations LESSON 6-6 Additional Examples Use an equation to solve: 32% of 40 is what number? Words A number is 32% of 40. Let n = the number. Equation n = 0.32 • 40 n = 0.32 • 40 = 12.8 Simplify. Quick Check 6-6
Solving Percent Problems Using Equations LESSON 6-6 Additional Examples Use an equation to solve: What percent of 200 is 45? Let p = the percent. Words A percent of 200 is 45. p • 200 = 45 Equation p • 200 = 45 Simplify. 200p = 45 200p 45 200 200 = Divide each side by 200. p = 0.225 Use a calculator. p = 22.5% Write the decimal as a percent. Quick Check 6-6
Solving Percent Problems Using Equations LESSON 6-6 Lesson Quiz Write and solve an equation. 1. 6% of 38 is what number? 2. 40% of what number is 24? 3. What percent of 52 is 13? 4. 96% of what number is 240? n = 6% • 38; 2.28 24 = 40% • n; 60 13 = n% • 52; 25% 240 = 96% • n; 250 6-6
Homework (due Wednesday, December 26) Lesson 6-5, p. 297, #s 35 and 36 Lesson 6-6, pp. 300-301, #s 7-20 all, 32 Note that for today’s homework, you can either use a proportion OR write an equation. If you need more guidance, study pages 302-303.