Women Air force Pilot May 11th 1906-August 9Th 1980 Jaqueline Cochran Women Air force Pilot May 11th 1906-August 9Th 1980
About a WASPs As a WASPs (Women Air Force Service Pilots) we were an organization of civilian female pilots who had to fly military aircraft under the direction of the United States Army Air Forces during WWII. We were station in Europe for non-combat missions after the outbreak of WWII in 1941. Nancy Love and I were the two leaders of the other WASPs. I was also a pioneer in the field of aviation. In 1942 I supervised the training of hundreds of women pilots in Sweetwater, Texas. After 4 months of training the WASPs earn their wings.
Newspaper Clippings Here I am with a couple of my friends who were also WASPs. This is one of the planes that was prepared for me to do the ferry flight.
Artifacts After four months of military flight training I earned my wings. I also received congressional gold medal for performing an achievement for impacting American history.
Documents Here is the series container list that I put together. This is a book about WASPs and how we lived during WWII.
Works Cited http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_Gold_Me dal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_Airforce_Servic e_Pilots http://waspmuseum.org/store/wasp-books/ http://waspmuseum.org/jackie-cochran-biography/ http://www.docstoc.com/docs/35158487/JACQUELIN E-COCHRAN-PAPERS-WOMENS-AIRFORCE- SERVICE http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2434163.Clipp ed_Wings