Kleenex, Lysol, Clorox Wipes (PLEASE!!!) Mrs. Brown’ and Mrs. Hamlin’s Newsletter February 25- March 1 Important Dates Wednesday, February 27- ELA benchmark 8:00am Friday, March 1- Writing Benchmark 8:00am Monday, March 4- Boosterthon Fun Run! Wednesday, March 6- Math This week is Dr. Seuss week!! Here is the dress up calendar: Mon-One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish- wear red or blue Tues- Cat in the Hat- wear a hat Wed-Wacky Wednesday- wear mismatched clothes Thurs- Green Eggs and Ham- wear green Fri- The Sleep Book- wear PJ’s Important News Benchmark 3 is here! Please see the dates for each benchmark. It’s also Dr. Seuss week this week! Math This week, we will start line plots with fractions. Students will be taught how to make a line plot given a set of data and they will also be expected to interpret information given on a line plot. Our summative will be next week. Language Arts This week, we will be taking our 3rd benchmark on Wednesday. We will focus on reviewing all of our skills in order to prepare for the benchmark. We will also practice responding to an essay question after reading a text--focusing on developing ideas, staying on topic, and using a sufficient amount of evidence, details and reasoning. . Science We will continue our unit on fossils and students will discover how fossils get in rocks and learn about what they tell us about the past. There will be a lab book check on Friday. We have pushed the summative exam until next Tuesday. A study guide will be sent home this week. Social Studies We will begin reading Chapter 5—A Nation Divided—focusing on the differences between the north and south during this time period. The students will receive a study guide on Monday that we will complete as we read. The SS test will be the following Tuesday (March 5th). Tests/Quizzes Math- Daily math quiz (Friday) Science- Lab book check (Friday) ELA- Spelling (Friday) Number the Stars novel test (March 7th) Social Studies- Chapter 5 Test (March 5th) Spelling Words There, their, then, than, another, different, thought, almost, toward, morning, early, idea, finally, followed, quite, distance, although, sat, possible, heart, real, simple Wish List A bag of your child’s favorite candy for our brag box Kleenex, Lysol, Clorox Wipes (PLEASE!!!) Contact Information Phone- (601) 992-5279 bra223@rcsd.ms jenne.boucher@rcsd.ms