Puritans of New England AIM: Has Puritanism shaped American values?
I. Puritan New England: “Building a City Upon a Hill” Predestination: The Elect:
C. Reasons for leaving England: King Charles I intolerance Archbishop William Laud embellishment of Anglican ritual and control over Puritans Puritan ministers are dismissed and their writing censored
4. “Separatists” seek toleration in the Netherlands.
D. Early Settlement - 1620 Plymouth Colony Mayflower Compact “Consent of the Governed” Significance:
3. Problems a. Plymouth Bay
4. Massachusetts Bay Company English merchants who support Puritans and hope to make a profit. John Winthrop becomes first Governor.
5. Great Migration
II. Massachusetts Bay Commonwealth: Puritan Society Economy 1. Farming: diversified crops, Rocky soil, hard work 2. Ship Building and Trade
Fur Trade Merchants
“A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned” The Protestant Work Ethic: “Material success is evidence of moral superiority.”
wee shall finde that the God of Israell is among us, when ten of us shall be able to resist a thousand of our enemies, when hee shall make us a prayse and glory, that men shall say of succeeding plantacions: the lord make it like that of New England: for wee must Consider that wee shall be as a City upon a Hill, the eyes of all people are upon us; John Winthrop 1630
B. Government General Court: Church Membership: Government supported church vs. Separation of church and state: Town Hall Meetings
C. Society
1. Family Life Patriarchal Large familes 10-14 children High literacy – 50 familes equal a school
D. Religion and Church Only church members could vote. Women held a majority in many congregations
3. Half-Way Covenant partial church membership without claiming a spiritual experience. could not vote on any issues within the church could participate in the sacrament of the Supper.
4. Blue Laws
III. Intolerance A. Quakers
B. Anne Hutchinson Antinomiansim: “Those already chosen by God are exempt from the rules and laws of the commonwealth…” Reaction:
C. Roger Williams – Rhode Island “Forced religion stinks in God’s nostrils.” “Liberty of Conscience” -Opposed alliance of church and state. Opposed taking of Indian lands. 1644 Rhode Island – religious toleration, separation of church and state.
IV. Summary Could Massachusetts Bay accommodate such uncooperative spirits and remain intact? Was the peace of the commonwealth at stake? How have Puritan values shaped American values?