IASC Emergency Response Preparedness Package (ERP) Roll out in priority countries Background : ERP training (10, 11 February 2015) held by WFP, OCHA and UNICEF (HQ) 30 participants – Emergency Preparedness specialists (15 Organizations UN/NGO) + country offices (7) Trainings focused on ERP roll out including: Risk analysis and monitoring Minimum Preparedness Actions (MPA) Contingency planning and Advanced Preparedness Actions (APA)
IASC Emergency Response Preparedness Package (ERP) Roll out in priority countries Chad, Niger, Cameroon, Nigeria (DFID project : UNICEF, UNHCR, OCHA, WFP) => tbc by EPR members On watch : Mali, DRC => tbc by EPR members
IASC Emergency Response Preparedness Package (ERP) Roll out in priority countries Methodology: At country level : Analysis : Preparedness tools existing in priority countries Minimum preparedness check list Preparedness specific needs by countries EPRWG: Identify key competencies to support ERP roll out Agree on the training methodology Agree on key partners participation (minimum 2 partners/mission) Calendar 2016 : July – October (1 country/month)
Planned events March - June 2016 : Guinea: nat. capacities evaluation - 7-18 mars Ghana: nat. contingency plan review 23-24 March Ghana: nat SIMEX 19-20 April ECOWAS/CEDEAO: Civ-mil coord. task force: 21 -22 April (tbc) GECEAO annual consultation: 28 April – 1 May (tbc)
ECCAS/CEEAC: 6th annual consultation + DRR platform : 20 – 24 June - Yaoundé UNDAC methodology training - french) : 27 June - 1 July - Yaoundé