IS IT EASY TO BE YOUNG? adolescence –the age between childhood and adulthood an adolescent – a teenager pee pressure – (a pee - a person of your own age) a sin – грех a suicide - самоубийство
Кулахметова Кадрия 9 «Б» класс What is it really like being 15? Кулахметова Кадрия 9 «Б» класс
What are the biggest worries for 15-year-old in your country? School and examination results.
What do you want to do in five years’ time? I want to be at university
and have good friends.
What are the best things about being 15? I like having more independence. My mother thinks I’m not a kid any longer. She expects me to behave well.
What are you most afraid of? Death of my relatives and friends. Being lonely in old age.
Life is a gift, suicide is a sin. You are not alone! What Should You Remember? Life is a gift, suicide is a sin. You are not alone! There is always the way out!