"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die. -H.P. Lovecraft.
Biography H oward Phillips Lovecraft was born on August 20 of 1890, at 9 am in the 194 of Angell Street (Providence, Rhode Island). He was the only son of Winfield Scott Lovecraft and Sarah Susan Phillips Lovecraft. W hen he was 3 years old, his father had a nervous breakdown and was hospitalizated in the Butler Hospital, a mental sanatorium. He died there on July 19th, 1898, when Howard was 8 years old. W hen he was a little child, he liked to visit strange places, like dark forests or deep caves. His mother told him that he was ugly and never would become someone important.
A fter the death of his father, his education depended on his mother and grandfather. W hen his grandfather died, he fell in a big depression and stopped writing. He considered the idea of suicide. L ovecrafts grandfather, Phillips Whipple, was a mentor for the little Howard. Mr. Whipple gave him a lot of books, and the child read about science, astronomy and became a writer for many sciences magazines. He wrote many short tales too.
W hen he overtook the depression, he started writing short tales again, and publish them in the Weird Tales magazine. His life passed between Providence and New York, where he married Sonia Greene, but they divorced a little time after. I am Providence. H oward Phillips Lovecraft died on March 15th, He was buried in his grandfathers pantheon, in a tomb without grave. Many years later, a group of readers of his stories, bought a grave and put it in his tomb. Its epitaph says:
Azazoth Dagon Nyarlathotep Ctulhu