Multinational Corporation Joshua C.
What is a Multinational Corporation? Well…Let’s ask an expert, Jumin Han
It is… A corporation that has faculties/assets in at least one country other than it’s home country
Examples Walmart Volkswagen Sony Capcom Nintendo
Pros & Cons Size benefits consumers Help a country Cost-effective Create jobs and wealth Help other companies Adhere to the best brand standards Ensure minimum standards Improve living standards Revenue invested in R&D Allow wider market Might dominate a market Exploit workforce Take advantage of consumer expense Bankrupt other local businesses Gain profit no matter what Strive for monopolized business Environmental threat
Works Cited Greengarageblogadmin. “17 Main Pros and Cons of Multinational Corporations.” Green Garage, 19 Aug. 2015, pros-and-cons-of- multinational-corporations. Investopedia. “Multinational Corporation - MNC.” Investopedia, 5 Dec. 2014, corporation.asp.
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