Protein Synthesis
Protein Synthesis So how do the genes in our DNA influence our characteristics? Each chromosome contains a long molecule of DNA, and this molecule of DNA contains many genes A gene is a segment of the DNA molecule that has a specific sequence of nucleotide bases (A, T, C, G) The nucleotide bases determines the specific sequence of amino acids that will be joined together to form a protein In other words, amino acids make up proteins
Protein Synthesis Proteins determine our characteristics For example, one gene gives the instructions for making the pigment melanin, a molecule that contributes to skin and hair color Proteins are made in the ribosomes in a two-step process: Transcription & Translation
Protein Synthesis - transcription Transcription uses the information in a gene to make a messenger RNA molecule, called mRNA RNA has a structure like DNA, but it has two main differences from DNA Single-stranded Has uracil (U) instead of thymine (T); so the letters for RNA are A, G, U, C During transcription, an enzyme separates the two strands of DNA and makes the mRNA molecule by adding RNA nucleotides, one at a time Each DNA nucleotide in the gene is matched by a complementary mRNA nucleotide: C with G, and A with U (instead of T)
Protein Synthesis - transcription
Protein Synthesis - Translation During Translation, each set of 3 nucleotides in an mRNA molecule codes for one amino acid in a protein A set of 3 nucleotides is called a codon Each codon specifies a particular amino acid But how are the right amino acids added in the right sequence to match the sequence of codons in the mRNA? A special type of RNA, called transfer RNA (tRNA), is needed to make sure that the correct amino acid is brought to match each codon in the mRNA within the growing protein molecules
Protein Synthesis - Translation
Protein Synthesis – The Steps DNA (given) mRNA (codons) (no T!) tRNA (anti-codons to match up with mRNA’s codons) Amino Acid (use Codon Chart to find amino acid based on mRNA)
Codon Chart – Based on mRNA codons Start Codon – AUG (codes for the amino acid methionine/met) Signals the start of a gene Stop Codons – UAA , UAG, UGA Signals the end of a gene