Political map- shows the boarders between different countries and states.
Physical map- shows the name and locations of natural features.
Thematic- Focuses on single topics or themes
Regional Maps- Shows a close-up view of a particular region.
Thematic- Focuses on single topics or themes
Political maps- shows the boarders between different countries and states.
Regional Maps- Shows a close-up view of a particular region.
Regional Maps- Shows a close-up view of a particular region.
Thematic- Focuses on single topics or themes
Political maps- shows the boarders between different countries and states.
Political map- shows the boarders between different countries and states.
Thematic- Focuses on single topics or themes
Physical map- shows the name and locations of natural features.
Physical map- shows the name and locations of natural features.
Physical map- shows the name and locations of natural features.
Physical map- shows the name and locations of natural features.
Thematic- Focuses on single topics or themes
Regional Maps- Shows a close-up view of a particular region.
Political maps- shows the boarders between different countries and states.