Today's quiz is V2 of PI 2.1 (like problems #4 + #5 on this warm-up) WARM-UP--Do in notes (Or, volunteer to do one on the board) Perform the following operations* 1) A x D 2) E x D 3) D x E 4) E - 2F 5) E + C *Compare/discuss with your group so you will be prepared for your quizzes Today and next class! Today's quiz is V2 of PI 2.1 (like problems #4 + #5 on this warm-up)
Complete Quiz PI 2.1 (V2) (15 min)
How do you know what order to multiply matrices given a context?
Multiplying Practice (PI 2.2) 1) CYU p. 111-112 (part "a" only) 2) 3)
CYU p. 111-112
Multiplying Practice (PI 2.2) 1) 3 practice sheets posted on Google classroom 2) Book problem posted on Google classroom (p. 109 - 112) (Due Thursday) # 4 - 7 V1 Quiz on Multiplying Matrices--THURSDAY