SLO Target Setting for ENL Teachers in the RCSD
SLO TARGET SETTING For ENL teachers in the RCSD the process of target setting for the purposes of APPR has 2 parts: A) Establish a baseline for students by accessing their most recent NYSESLAT score or the NYSITELL for incoming students. The student population is preselected in eDoctrina. B) Set targets using the scaled scores. For NYSESLAT 2016 guidance provided by NYSED. harts16.pdf
Baseline Data for SLOs Use multiple measures such as… NYSESLAT In-class formative assessments/1st marking period grades. Historical assessment data New/Home Language Arts progressions, NYSESLAT Performance Level Descriptors
A few things to remember… No need to set SLOs for Commanding year 1 or 2 students. Set reasonable and informed targets.