Show all Work and complete every problem. Geometry Honors/Academy Mrs. Leuze 2016-2017 Grading Policy: 70% Test/Quizzes 20% Homework 10% Class Participation Class Requirements: Pencils, Pens, colored Pencils, **Silver geometry tool kit with compass, Strongly Suggest Graphing Calculator; 3-ring binder or notebook college ruled Contact Info: Check my teacher website (on the main Belleville website) for updates and homework assignments Homework: Each Homework is 4 pts Show all Work and complete every problem. **It’s the student’s responsibility to look in their mailbox for missed work. Cuts: Work cannot be made up Tardiness: Arrive to class on time Late Work: will not be accepted unless you are absent. It is due the next school day. **Tests: Are chapter tests and count twice as much as a quiz. A study Guide will be given. **Quizzes: will be about every two to three sections and may not have a study guide.