Please put your signed safety contract on your desk number Please put your signed safety contract on your desk number. Bell Work: Converting 167.89 g = ? kg 34.6 cm = ? m 42 min = ? s 7 km = ? miles 0.062 h = ? s = 0.16789 kg = 0.346 m = 2520 s = 4.375 miles = 223.2 s (1.6 km = 1 mile)
Significant Figures (Digits) and Measuring The numbers in measurements are limited by the measuring tool. Significant figures in a measurement include the known digits plus one estimated digit.
Practice more measuring
1. What is the 1st measurement? 1.42 cm OR 1.43 cm OR 1.44 cm 2. What is the 2nd measurement? 2.7cm OR 2.6 cm
How long are the pencils?
Activity Work in pairs or by yourself. One data table per person please. Measure the length of 8 objects in centimeters with as much precision as possible (estimate the last digit). Convert all lengths to meters. Create a data table including the object name, length in cm, and length in m Turn into the early basket and pick up a graphing practice from the gray cabinet.
Goals for Today Complete and turn in (hold box) the measuring activity. Pick up a graphing practice activity from the gray cabinet and complete at least the first graph (we’ll work on the 2nd on in class tomorrow). Finish conversions practice and turn in (due at the beginning of class tomorrow (Friday)).
Ticket out the door.