Profiles of Patriotism and Global Citizenship Sam McFarland Western Kentucky University
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Quick Background: Rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust often shared Gandhi’s perspective that “All humanity is one undivided and indivisible family.” As one said, “Just like the cells in your own body altogether make up your body . . . we are all like cells of a community that is very important. Not America; I mean the human race. And you should always be aware that every other person is basically you” (Monroe, The Heart of Altruism, 1996, p. 92). Inspired by the rescuers (and by Kristen’s work), we developed the Identification with all Humanity Scale (IWAH; McFarland, Webb & Brown, 2012).
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Sample items from the 9-item IWAH: 1. How close do you feel to each of the following groups? a. People in my community b. Americans (or “People of my country”) c. All humans everywhere 2. How much do you want to be: a. a responsible citizen of your community. b. a responsible citizen of my country. c. a responsible citizen of the world.
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Identification with all humanity (or global citizenship) predicts -- greater commitment to international human rights, -- greater concern for global poverty and human suffering, -- more giving to international charities, -- greater knowledge of, and attention to, global issues, -- valuing outgroup (e.g., Nigerian) and ingroup (e.g., American) lives more equally, -- increased willingness to welcome refugees, -- greater willingness to forgive outgroups for past atrocities against the ingroup. Identification with one’s nation (patriotism) often predicts less of each of these. (McFarland, 2017)
Patriotism and Global Citizenship In 2009, the IWAH was posted on By 2017, 14,211 U.S. citizens and 4,367 from other countries had completed the IWAH along with many other measures. Two questions: For these huge samples, how do patriotism and global citizenship relate to personality, mental health, self-image, and ethics? How are patriotism and global citizenship predicted in structural model tests?
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Personality (US): Patriotism Global Citizenship The Big Five: Agreeableness .19 .27 Extraversion .14 .13 Conscientiousness .13 .00 (ns) Neuroticism -.12 .03 (ns) Open to experience -.11 .29 R2=.08 R2=.16 (NEO Personality Inventory, Costa & McCrae, 1992)
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Personality (non-US): Patriotism Global Citizenship The Big Five: Agreeableness .24 .27 Extraversion .18 .14 Conscientiousness .19 -.04 (ns) Neuroticism -.09 .02 (ns) Open to experience -.10 .28 R2=.11 R2=.16
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Open - Closed Mindedness Patriotism Global Citizenship Dogmatism .18 -.27 Intolerance of Ambiguity .10 -.14 Need for Closure .16 -.29 Need for Cognition -.06 .15 In summary, across five measures, patriotism is related weakly to closed-mindedness, global citizenship modestly to open-mindedness.
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Collectivism-Individualism: Patriotism Global Citizenship Horizontal Individualism -.04 -.07 Horizontal Collectivism .32 .34 Vertical Individualism .15 -.34 Vertical Collectivism .36 .00 (ns) R2=.18 R2=.21 Triandis & Gelfand (1998)
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Broad Dispositions: Patriotism Global Citizenship Authoritarianism .17 -.44 Social Dominance .18 -.56 Dispositional Empathy Empathic concern .14 .50 Perspective taking .02 (ns) .34 R2=.25 R2=.44
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Mental Health: Patriotism Global Citizenship Primary Psychopathy -.22 -.39 Secondary Psychopathy -.24 -.04 Satisfaction with Life .19 .03 BSI Mental Health .20 .05 BPNS Relatedness .27 .18 BPNS Autonomy .17 .01 (ns) BPNS Competence .23 .01 (ns) In short, a sense of personal well-being is mildly related to patriotism, but not to global citizenship.
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Ethical orientations: Patriotism Global Citizenship Relativism -.32 .16 Idealism -.06 .41 (Forsythe, 1980, Ethics Position Questionnaire)
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Importance of Morality: Patriotism Global Citizenship Being moral .29 .39 Acting morally .29 .29 But for different reasons: Compassion .18 .43 Loyalty .35 -.01 (ns) (Moral Identity Questionnaire, Aquino & Reed, 2002)
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Moral Foundations: Patriotism Global Citizenship Loyalty .56 -.34 Authority .51 -.34 Purity .43 -.23 Care -.04 .47 Fairness -.10 .38 R2=.33 R2=.33 Moral Foundations Questionnaire (Graham, Haidt and Nosek, 2009)
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Values (Schwartz): Patriotism Global Citizenship Security .39 -.09 Conformity .39 -.08 Traditionalism .34 -.05 Power .19 -.21 Universalism -.09 .58 Benevolence .19 .38 R2=.25 R2=.42 Schwartz (1992) Value Scales
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Self-reported altruism: Patriotism Global Citizenship Helping sick children .19 .14 Helping abused children .07 .24 Helping overcome addictions .09 .20 Promoting social justice -.14 .50 Alleviating global hunger -.18 .54 Preserving national traditions .31 -.15 Total Altruism .08 .40
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Model Predicting Patriotism and Global Citizenship (U.S.):
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Model Predicting Patriotism and Global Citizenship (Non-U.S.):
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Political Positions: Patriotism Global Citizenship Support for torture .30 -.42 Increasing military spending .43 -.39 Doing more on global warming -.31 .42 Gun control -.19 .41 Liberalism – Conservatism .43 -.47
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Admired People Patriotism Global Citizenship Americans .58 -.25 Soldiers .50 -.31 Conservatives .41 -.38 Police officers .38 -.11 Rich people .27 -.23 Upper management .26 -.13 Virgins .21 -.11
Patriotism and Global Citizenship Admired People Patriotism Global Citizenship Environmentalists -.21 .51 Pacifists -.29 .51 Liberals -.25 .48 The ACLU -.30 .43 Protesters -.22 .42 Feminists -.18 .45 Labor Unions -.16 .41 University Professors -.19 .35
Patriotism and Global Citizenship “___ is wrong”: Patriotism Global Citizenship Burning the American flag .43 -.38 Same-sex marriage .39 -.40 Homosexual relations .35 -.32 Abortion .35 -.25 Having baby outside marriage .31 -.26 Casual sex .23 -.23 Using pornography .24 -.13 Stem-cell research .29 -.28 Death Penalty -.29 .49 Medical testing on animals -.21 .37
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