The Great Challenge for the New Nation Sectionalism The Great Challenge for the New Nation
DO Now In your notebooks write a two to three sentence response to the following: If the United States only had one political party do you think that this would bring stability to our political system? Discuss the answer with your partner and prepare to share with the class.
Era of Good Feeling 1816-1824 James Monroe was president doing this time. Era of Good Feeling- Period lasting from 1816-1824 where the Democratic- Republicans were the only major political party and nationalism was at its peak.
Major Challenge 1: Sectionalism Sectionalism- Loyalty to a geographic region (e.g., North South, and West). Three major Senators represented the various regions of the country: Calhoun(S), Webster(N), and Clay (W). Each Section supported different domestic policies: South- No Tariff, States Rights, Expand slavery. North- Tariff, Restrict Slavery, Stressed National Unity. West, Tariff, Limited Slavery, stressed National Unity.
Major Challenge 2: Internal Improvements Internal improvements- federal, state and private infrastructure projects (e.g., canals, turnpikes, and railroads). Northern and Western States wanted more federal money for these projects. The South preferred private investment that benefited the spread of the slave trade and opposed national government involvement in improvements on states rights grounds.
Missouri Compromise(1823) Free and Slave states in equal political balance until Missouri asked to join the U.S. North would not support a new slave state without a free state to balance the representation. Missouri Compromise- Signed into law in March of 1820. Missouri was admitted into the Union as a slave state while Maine was admitted as a free state. Boundary between the slave and free states set at the 36-30 line. a-history-of-gridlock/. The Great Compromisers.
Activity You are members of a committee that reviews information presented in textbooks. The head of the program asked them to review the name of the historical periods mentioned in school history textbooks to see if they accurately depict the realities of the period. You wonder “Is the name the Era of Good Feeling the best name for this period given the tensions over sectionalism?” With your seatmates, please write a new name for this period or defend the current historical name in one paragraph. One member presents the group’s name and justification for the name change to the class verbally. Another group member is the writer who drafts a paragraph that explains the group’s choice.