Grade 11 Vocab Unit 2 Abnegate - Vacillate 20 WORDS.


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Presentation transcript:

Grade 11 Vocab Unit 2 Abnegate - Vacillate 20 WORDS

Word: Abnegate Definition: to deny oneself, to reject Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: She abnegated the ice cream in order to keep her preparations for the Olympic swim team on track.

Word: Affinity Definition: attraction, natural liking/sympathy Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Certain breeds of dogs have an affinity for hunting; it’s almost as if it’s in their blood.

Word: Atrophy Definition: to waste away Part of Speech: VERB Example Sentence: After being in a cast for six months, the muscles in my leg atrophied due to a lack of use.

Word: Bucolic Definition: country-like, charmingly rural Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The sprawling landscape of farmland and trees painted a bucolic picture of nature at it’s best.

Word: Complacent Definition: overly self-satisfied Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Lisa is very complacent and often stops working when she finishes her work without really checking it over and pushing herself to improve it to the best it can be.

Culminate Definition: to reach the high point or the most important part Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The To Kill a Mockingbird unit culminates in a writing assignment on the book.

Word: Didactic Definition: intended to teach, morally instructive Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Olivia speaks in a very didactic manner, which annoys everyone because she thinks she always knows what’s right and what other people should do.

Word: Endemic Definition: native, particular to a certain region Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The plant is endemic to the Northeastern region.

Word: FRENETIC Definition: frantic Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: There was a lot of frenetic activity on the office, but nothing ever seemed to get accomplished.

Word: Harbinger Definition: a signal Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Warm weather is a harbinger of spring.

Word: Inevitable Definition: certain to happen, unavoidable Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: -The coming of winter in Boston is inevitable. -Finals are an inevitable part of the end of the year.

Word: Machination Definition: activity schemed for an evil purpose Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: The machinations of the troublemaking students were supposed to cause chaos in the school but one of the teachers caught them before they could do anything.

Word: Neologism Definition: study of new words Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: The whole point of vocabulary tests and quizzes is to expose students to neologism, but most students argue that they know enough words.

Word: Pejorative Definition: negative, disparaging Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The teacher’s mean comments were pejorative and uncalled for.

Word: Profane Definition: irreverent, disrespectful Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The student got in trouble for writing on the bathroom walls and using profane language.

Word: Recondite Definition: hard to understand, over one’s head Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: The joke he cracked was recondite. Nobody laughed because it went over their heads.

Word: Saccharine Definition: excessively sweet Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: The student’s saccharine comments came off as insincere. It was clear she was trying to use flattery to get an A. I do not like the saccharine taste of frosting.

Word: Stringent Definition: strict Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The stringent classroom rules prevented students from misbehaving.

Word: Tenacious Definition: persistent Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The athlete’s tenacious attitude led him to never give up and always keep trying.

Word: Vacillate Definition: to be indecisive, to waver Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: George vacillated between taking a year off to travel after high school or going straight to college.