ESS Mesh Study Group Report Month 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 May 2004 ESS Mesh Study Group Report The ESS Mesh Study Group met Tuesday evening, Wednesday, and Thursday. 15 presentations related to ESS Mesh were received and discussed: 6 on usage cases 5 on architecture and definitions 4 on other topics The updated agenda is at 11-04/508r5 The Study Group recessed for ten minutes Tuesday evening to partake of the remnants of the 802.11i cake. A vote of thanks to 802.11i was passed by the Study Group. Several ad hoc subgroups have formed on Usage Cases, Definitions, Routing, Security, and Quality of Service. Donald Eastlake, Motorola John Doe, His Company
ESS Mesh Study Group Report Month 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 May 2004 ESS Mesh Study Group Report The Study Group decided, by straw poll, that the priorities for the July 802.11s Task Group Meeting should be as follows: Usage Cases and Functional Requirements discussions Adoption of an Initial Definitions document Architecture Presentations Other ad-hoc subgroup results and Presentations It was unanimously decided to ask the 802.11 WG to authorize an 802.11s Task Group Teleconference at 3PM PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) on June 30th, to be announced on the 802.11 mailing list at least 15 days in advance. Donald Eastlake, Motorola John Doe, His Company