David W. Grunden SNEP meeting May 9, 2018 Three current projects by Oak Bluffs to assess and mitigate Excess Nitrogen David W. Grunden SNEP meeting May 9, 2018
Oak Bluffs Ponds All ponds have been through MEP All are somewhat degraded All have TMDL established All are monitored (MVC)
Farm Pond Placed on MA Wetland Restoration Priority list in 2004 Studies done to date: MEP report Species inventory list TMDL MA DEP Hydrodynamic analysis Inlet alternatives Sediment transport Comparative analysis of flood mitigation strategies Tidal restoration hydrodynamic analysis of preferred alternative and sea level rise impact assessment
Current Status Early permitting Funding Identified MA DOT wants a scour study of the culvert area Funding Identified 1,000,000 from federal Estuary Restoration Act funding through ACOE awaiting contract 250,000 Community Preservation Act 250,000 Authority to borrow (town meeting vote) for this project
Current Monitoring and Reaserch Water quality through the MVC Eelgrass/sea squirt interaction Presented at International Invasive Sea Squirt Conference May 2018 Clinging jellyfish Invasive – native of North Pacific “Species-specific Crab Predation on the Hydrozoan Clinging Jellyfish Gonionemus sp. (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa), Subsequent Crab Mortality, and Possible Ecological Consequences” (2017) PEERJ
Sengekontacket Pond Oyster Mitigation Both Oak Bluffs and Edgartown purchase 500k seed oysters each annually They are raised in tidal upwellers through summer Transferred into bags and cages to over winter Released into easily accessed area for recreational harvestt
Living Shoreline Partnered with Edgartown, MA Audubon, US EPA – Atlantic Ecology Division Salt marsh protection and restoration
Monitoring Marsh elevation Salinity mapping of marsh GPS – total station survey Feldspar marker horizons Sediment traps Salinity mapping of marsh Nitrogen and Carbon Sequestration Water chemistry YSI – temp, salinity, pH, DO Water sample for nutrient analysis
Monitoring Continue Pore water sampling Sample collection for DEA Track nutrient travel through marsh Sample collection for DEA Denitrification enzyme activity Greenhouse gas flux Vegetation survey Sediment characteristics Bivalve and nekton surveys