Theory- explanation which has been scientifically tested and supported. Hypothesis- a testable prediction
Evolution- The process by which species change over time Present day organisms developed from earlier, distinctly different organisms.
Theories of Evolution Inheritance of Acquired Traits- “use it or lose it”, Jean Baptist Lemarck Genetic Drift- each generation is slightly different than the previous, changes occur over time
Inheritance of Acquired Traits
Theories of Evolution Spontaneous Generation- living things come from non-living things Gradualism- changes occur gradually over time Punctuated Equilibrium- evolution occurs in short bursts with long periods of stability
Gradualism & Punctuated Equilibrium
Natural Selection Selection of adaptations which are best suited for the environment, adaptations come through genetic mutations
Natural Selection
Fossils Any record of organisms that lived in the geological past
Geological Time Scale Simple → Complex Marine → Land Transitional forms of animals Sufficient time for evolution to take place
Anatomical Evidence of Evolution
Scientists compare anatomy to understand how structures are used. Evidence of a common ancestor.
Homologous Structures Have the same, or similar, structure but not necessarily the same function.
Analogous Structures Same function but different structure. NOT inherited from a common ancestor.
Vestigial Structures Appear to have no use Remains of a structure which had a use in an ancestral species
Vestigial Human Appendix
Human Coccyx (Tail Bone) Vestigial Human Coccyx (Tail Bone)
Vestigial Whale Hip Bones
What happens to vestigial structures? Eventually these structures may be adapted for new uses or slowly lost.
Comparative Biochemistry and Cytology
BIOCHEMISTRY Chemical reactions which take place in living things
PHYSIOLOGY How organ systems work together
What do ALL living things have in common?
What does DNA code for? Proteins- such as hormones and enzymes
Comparative Biochemistry Studying the similarities and differences in chemical reactions in living things.
Theory of Endosymbiosis
Larger cells engulfed smaller cells, then lived together- symbiotic relationship
Mitochondria and chloroplasts have DNA! Both contain ribosomes! Both reproduce independently!
Comparative Embryology Embryo- an organism in the early stages of development
Endosymbiosis http://go.hrw.com/resources/go_sc/interactOnline/hx/hxlif_io.swf
VARIATION within a species Individuals with a population have characteristics which differ IMAGES: https://www.msu.edu/course/bs/110/ebertmay_S08/notes/snotes/2_14_08_evolution1.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks3bitesize/science/organisms_behaviour_health/variation_classification/revise4.shtml
ARTIFICIAL SELECTION IMAGE: http://visual.merriam-webster.com/animal-kingdom/carnivorous-mammals/dog-breeds_2.php
Natural Selection Sexual selection- choosing a mate Becoming prey- will you be eaten? Ability to reproduce- Will your genes be passed on?
SELECTION IMAGES: http://core.ecu.edu/biol/summersk/summerwebpage/topics/sex_selec.html http://www.bio.miami.edu/ecosummer/lectures/lec_symbiosis.html
FITNESS Best adapted for the conditions Not necessarily the largest or strongest IMAGE: http://www.inshapeladiesfitness.webs.com/
Natural Selection Tale of the Peacock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKybAp--n7M
Adaptation A change that occurs in a population in response to environmental changes
Adaptive Radiation A small group within a population develops its own gene pool Certain traits become different from the original population’s traits Then become 2 separate populations
Effects of Adaptive Radiation New species are able to fill in needed roles in their environment.
Geographic Isolation A population is separated from the original population. Gene pools divide, forming new species
Speciation The formation of a new species which has diverged from another
Competition for… Food Water Space Nesting Sites
IMAGE: http://www. bbc. co
IMAGE: http://www.natureinstitute.org/txt/ch/moth.htm
IMAGE: http://www.natureinstitute.org/txt/ch/moth.htm
Pepper Moths http://www.techapps.net/interactives/peppermoths.htm
Extinction A species no longer exists Unable to adapt to changes in environment More variation within a species increases chance of survival
Endangered Species Likely to become extinct http://environment.guardian.co.uk/flash/page/0,,2114873,00.html
Natural Selection Overproduction Competition Survival of the Fittest Reproduction Speciation
Evolution is happening NOW!
PESTICIDE RESISTANCE Some insects survive Pass on genes to be resistant to pesticides
ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE Certain strains of bacteria are resistant to antibiotics Continue reproducing Pass genes that resist antibiotics
Interactive Galapagos http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/evolution/explore-galapagos.html