Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office Administration, Enforcement and Investigations Organizational Chart Revised 11/30/18
Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office Administration, Enforcement & Support Operations Bureaus Sheriff Quentin Miller Enforcement & Investigations Chief Don Eberhardt Investigations Captain John Elkins Training, Technology & Community Outreach Captain Randy Sorrells Enforcement Captain Jeff Banks Detention & Court Security Major Daryl Fisher Captain Tony Gould Assistant to Sheriff Brenda Page Office of Professional Standards Captain Roney Hilliard Secondary Employment Coordinator Sheila Gillespie Business Officer Sheri Powers Training & Standards Maria Fisher Revised 11/30/18
Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office Enforcement Enforcement & Investigations Chief Don Eberhardt Enforcement Captain Jeff Banks Civil Process Lt. Jeff Eaton Patrol Exec. Lt. Chad Edwards SRO Lt. Mike Ruby Animal Services Sgt. Jim Robinson Property Room Fleet Services Revised 11/30/18
Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office Investigations Division Enforcement & Investigations Chief Don Eberhardt Investigations Captain John Elkins CID Exec. Lt. Kevin Briggs FJC Sgt. Sarah Hofecker DSS Deputies County Facilities Deputy Lance Stewart Major Case Sgt. Ryan Jordan Property Crimes Sgt. David Stephens Sgt. Elliott Summey Records Vicki Kuykendall BCAT / SCET Exec. Lt. John Thomas BCAT Sgt. Scott Robinson SCET Sgt. Trey McDonald Administrative Assistant Marilee James Revised 11/30/18
Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division Enforcement & Investigations Chief Don Eberhardt Enforcement Captain Jeff Banks Patrol Executive Lt. Chad Edwards Adam Squad Lt. Preston Honeycutt Sgt. Phillip Engle Sgt. Robin Hempel Behavioral Health Baker Squad Lt. James Redmon Sgt. Jeff Eller Sgt Chad Walker Charlie Squad Lt. Roger Warren Sgt. Matt Howie Sgt. Richie Moffat David Squad Lt. Matthew Kiser Sgt. Nathan Ball Sgt. __________ Animal Services Sgt. Jim Robinson Administrative Assistant Kristie Jones Deputy Front Desk Officer Revised 11/30/18
Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office Support Operations Division Enforcement & Investigations Chief Don Eberhardt Enforcement Captain Jeff Banks Civil Process Lt. Jeff Eaton Sgt. Courtney Mumm Sgt. Phillip Wolfe Office Assistants DeBruhl, Shepherd PT: Bishop-Ray Front Desk Shook School Resource Officers Lt. Mike Ruby Sgt. Mike Sparks Sgt. Will Fisher Sgt. Kelly Ball Revised 11/30/18
Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office Training, Technology & Community Outreach Enforcement & Investigations Chief Don Eberhardt Captain Randy Sorrells Community Policing Lt. Kevin Calhoun Chaplains SERV Crime Prevention Community Outreach Mandatory Training Lt. Dale Den Ouden OTP Sgt. Michael Murphy COPS Teams Coordinator Kevin Pressley Reserves IT Coordinator Sgt. Roger Pressley Public Relations Coordinator Natalie Bailey Aaron Sarver Revised 11/30/18
Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office Detention and Court Security Detention & Court Security Major Daryl Fisher Captain Tony Gould Executive Lieutenant Jeffrey Littrell Executive Lieutenant Bert Alexander Peer Support Administrative Assistant Rachel Pfluger See Detention & Courts Bureau chart for detailed information Revised 11/9/18
Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office Finance & Business Services Quentin Miller Business Officer Sheri Powers HR / Payroll Nicole Ball Debbie Ruff Purchasing Marcia Hipps Michelle Robinson Jana Thompson Revised 11/30/18