Tuesday, March 20
Agenda: Day 1 8:30 - 9:00 AM Breakfast 9:00 - 9:30 AM Introduction Dr. Natalie Hernandez Introduction Dr. Nathan Blattau 9:30 - 9:45 AM Break 9:45 - 10:45 AM Solder Failure Analysis with Examples Dr. Natalie Hernandez IC Wearout Analysis Ashok Alagappan 10:45 - 11:00 AM Break 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM ICT Analysis Josh Akman 12:00 - 1:15 PM Lunch 1:15 - 2:15 PM Thermal Mechanical Analysis with Examples Dr. Nathan Blattau Vibration and Shock Analysis Dr. Gil Sharon 2:15 - 2:30 PM Break 2:30 - 3:30 PM 3:30 - 5:00 PM Q&A
Introduction to Sherlock
What is Sherlock Automated Design AnalysisTM?
Physics of Failure-based design reliability analysis tool Predicts product failure early in design process, quickly and accurately Electronics-focused – used across all industries Mitigates thermal and mechanical risks
How Does Sherlock Provide Value to Electronics Community? Design Mechanical Evaluate design-reliability tradeoffs, even for off-the-shelf technology Rapidly produce intelligent 3D models Turn stress (thermal/ mechanical) into prediction Reliability Typical ROI is 10:1 in Year 1 Testing Manufacture Design relevant test conditions Confirm test success, before test Quantitatively evaluate risk post-assembly
WHY CHANGE NOW? Most OEMs in Automotive and Aviation hate demonstrating reliability through testing It takes too long It costs too much It is too late in the process Suppliers rarely fail Failures are not always relevant It stymies innovation and modification (no one wants to retest)
SHERLOCK SOFTWARE CASE STUDY 1 American Auto Manufacturer saves over $1,384,000 in test costs In 2013 American Auto Manufacturer begin utilizing Sherlock for electronic module analysis in parallel with its current testing plan. American Auto Manufacturer believed that Sherlock could accurately simulate power temperature cycling (PTC) tests and thereby eliminate certain tests, reduce valuable senior engineering time and correspondingly reduce reliability testing costs and time to market. Over the course of a twelve-month period, Sherlock identified 4 designs wherein the probability of failure during PTC exceeded the acceptable standard for American Auto Manufacturer. Had the design moved forward, 4 additional PTC tests would have had to be performed at a cost exceeding $346,000 each or $1,384,000 over the year
SHERLOCK SOFTWARE CASE STUDY 2 Global Storage Manufacturer reduces time-to-market by six (6) months Global Storage Manufacturer is using Sherlock to eliminate one (1) to two (2) physical tests for EACH PCBA Design Ten (10) PCBAs are designed annually Engineering labor and hard test costs (Chambers, Samples) are approximately $750,000 per test Results in an Annual Savings of $7,500,000 Sherlock also eliminates two (2) design revs for EACH PCBA Time-to-Market Reduced by Six (6) Months
Getting Started
Installing Sherlock http://update.dfrsolutions.com/ System requirements Windows 7 or newer Java 64-bit 8 GB of memory If available, the following are recommended PC specifications: Windows 10 Adobe Reader 8.x or higher Intel i7 processor with 4 cores and at least 16GB of memory. If you intend to complete larger models, it is recommended that you use an Intel i7 processor with 8 cores and 32GB or higher of memory. A considerable hard drive: 2TB, for saving data. Updates are on our website http://update.dfrsolutions.com/ Launcher settings Sign up for the forum
Download and Install Sherlock Import the license Reconnect Go to: update.dfrsolutions.com Use the license file Download Installer
What is an Intermediate User? Tutorials Completed the various tutorials Demonstration project Installation issues 3-4 boards Multiple iterations Life cycles Local library
What is an Intermediate User? Complicated Life Cycles Temperature maps Single project mode Manage projects Version control Assemblies Mezzanine cards Holes and standoffs Analysis Properties Standalone tools
Life Cycles User guide Webinar https://www.dfrsolutions.com/resources/defining-sherlock-life-cycle-environments-webinar-lp Edit Properties: Define reliability metric Defining Phases Environment: MIL-217 TR-332 Duration of Phase must cover all events Temperature cycle must begin and end at same temperature
Closer Look at Temp. Cycles Example of a generic temp cycle (-10 to 100°C) The whole board is changing temperature But the Min and Max temps of the board can be different than (-10°C) od 100°C
Thermal Maps Sources: Apply thermal maps IR camera Board side Thermal analysis MIN and MAX Direct measurement You can have 4 maps for 1 temp cycle Any Picture Align the board and legend Legend orientation
Assemblies Daughter cards Mezzanine Edge connected Height of standoffs must be the same for all of them Component interference Using assemblies to make interesting things
What’s new in Sherlock v.5.4?
NEW FEATURES INTRODUCED IN 2017 Thermal Mechanical Analysis Semiconductor Wearout (per SAE ARP 6338) Column Grid Array and L-lead Packages New Solders (SN100C, 90Pb10Sn) More Details in BGA Model (Overmold/Laminate) Compatibility with NX Nastran Extended Ansys Workbench Compatibility Improved Error Checking Greater Traceability IPC 2581
NEW FEATURES COMING IN 2018 SolidWorks Temperature-Based FEA Import external 3D objects (enclosure, stiffeners, etc.) Temperature-Based FEA Ability to perform natural frequency, vibration, and mechanical shock predictions between -55C and 125C Thermal Mechanical: Solder Fatigue Prediction Humidity Failure Modes Expansion of Manufacturability Assessment Warpage prediction (PCB and BGA) Via (buried, blind, filled) failures during reflow ICT predictions based on strain rate effects New Solders
SOLIDWORKS The Sherlock-SolidWorks plugin automatically includes all materials referenced by the part/assembly in the INP file so that they can be imported into Sherlock.
MATERIALS LIBRARY Over 120 new materials New managers for laminates, materials, and solder alloys Temperature-dependent material effects are automatically incorporated
New Features Summary System-level effects are becoming more apparent with the move to higher density and higher power dissipation Bringing physics into manufacturability is essential Sherlock is the only software tool that provides a complete life curve
Questions? Additional Q&A at 3:30pm