Wordpress test.cs.edinboro.edu
What is Wordpress Wordpress is an free, online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. 30.6% of the top 10 million websites are created using wordpress as of April 2018 - Wikipedia Wordpress is a constantly updated tool to help web developers and users be able to use a single interface to be able to make easy and quick changes websites on the fly.
A little bit of history Wordpress was built so that people can have an elegant, well-architectured personal publishing system built on PHP and MySQL. B2 cafelog was originally launched in 2001 by Michael Valdrighi This was the predecessor to wordpress. In 2003 Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little fork b2 and create WordPress. This project has continued to be developed on still today. https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress
Benefits of using Wordpress New User Friendly Plugins readily available SEO Mobile Responsive built into the system Community
Some cool websites that use wordpress https://www.starwars.com/news - Blogging https://www.sonymusic.com/ -Business http://whoisleon.com/ -Portfolio https://onlinelaw.wustl.edu/ - Education
Finding and applying a theme There are a bunch of websites out there that make free wordpress themes that you can then modify to make your own personalized theme When i start the creation of a website i normally start with finding a theme themes that the client enjoys and start customizing to fit their design styles and needs Here is a theme that i found that i will show you how to install today https://www.machothemes.com/item/riba-lite/
Customizing the Color Scheme (and anything else) When you have a theme that you want to use, the best thing to do is create a child theme from the one you choose. Child themes inherit all of the functions and style of the parent but you can override functions and not have to worry about things happening when the theme creators update their theme. There are many websites out there that will show you how to create a child theme once you have one picked out.
Creating Pages When you want to create a new page you click new page on the left bar and start formatting the page. If you would like to have full control of the coding of the page, you can switch to text editing which will allow you to use html to control the flow of the webpage. Personally I recommend installing third party page builder plugins just because they are simple to understand for you and your client down the line.
Adding Navigation / Menu Items To add menu items to the page you want to go to Appearance -> Menus Here you can add pages to a menu item and choose if you want to use it for the header, footer, or other menus that you create or that your theme may create If you would like to show only certain pages when a user is logged in or out there are also plugins out there that will hide menu items depended on if they are logged in, or what role they are logged in as, etc. https://wordpress.org/plugins/nav-menu-roles/
Changing the title of the website and or webpage Most themes have the setting for the name of the website on the front end menu under customize. The theme we are using has it under Site Identity -> Site title This is a normal place to find the setting for the name of the website. Changing the title of a webpage is as simple is editing the page, changing the title, and updating the page.
Changing colors / other css options There are Two ways to change the css of the website. If you want to do a major change i recommend editing theme css sheet This is normally found at Appearance -> Editor -> style.css For minor changes you can edit these on the front end This is normally found at “Front End Page” -> customize -> Additional CSS
Some things to know about plugins Plugins come in all shapes and sizes and are basically php pages that change or add functionality to the webpage. Normally when using plugins, to apply an element of it to a webpage you put its “shortcode” onto the webpage where you would want that element to appear. Master Slider is a great example of this where you create a slideshow that you want to put on a webpage and it will generate a shortcode for you to place on said webpage. Shortcodes will always appear as [shortcode]
Some plugins that have helped me WooCommerce - Ecommerce Master Slider - Fully Customizable Slideshows Profile Builder - Login, Registration, and edit profile User Menus - Show or hide menu items depending on role Elementor - Page builder And many more
Adding a new user Users -> add new This will allow you to add a new user with a specified role. In general settings you can allow users to create their own profiles by checking the anyone can register box and selecting a default user role. You can go back in and change their role later.
Media Library This is where ALL FILES are stored other than page files txt,png,jpg,mp4,mp3 ,etc This makes accessing your files pretty simple as you have a graphical display of what file you are choosing instead of having to remember the hyperlinks to your pictures folder etc.
Backing up your site All-in-One WP Migration is a plugin that will allow you to easily backup the website in case of the server going down or a mistake that messes up the server. Backing up your website on a regular basis is an important part of the development process and this tool will be more than helpful in this stage of the process.