Key New Hanover County Specific Child Data 20.5% of children live in poverty. (Public School Forum of NC 2016) 38% of children live in a single parent household. (Public School Forum of NC 2016) Child abuse and neglect rate (per 1,000) 17.64%, approximately 741 children (NC average rate is 9.42 per 1,000) (NC Child 2018) 41.3% of children placed in foster care in New Hanover County are removed due to substance abuse. (NC Child 2018) (NC average is 39%, up from 26% in 2007-2008) 22.1% of children are food insecure (9,229 children) (Public School Forum of NC 2016) 600+ school-aged children classified as homeless, more than double what it was a year ago. Number is expected to continue to rise. (NHCS, 10/10/2018)