Third Grade Newsletter GIFTED GAZETTE 4.3 April 9th – 13th What we’re learning this week… Test Schedule Reading: This week we will… Begin reading School Story and answering text-dependent questions Begin Board Game Book Report – students have read a 100+ page fictional book to be prepared to create this in-class project (tentative due data- April 27th Language/Writing/Vocabulary: This week we will… Orange Vocabulary Workshop Unit 11 Review of grammar concepts HARP, REEL, REEL, PAAT in-class writing prompt Spelling: utilize dictionary/thesaurus/ references and refer to list of “non-negotiable” words in writing portfolio Math: This week we will… review concepts: Rounding, Addition/Subtraction, Multiplication/Division Word Problems, solving for the unknown Math Superstars enrichment Project of the Week (P.O.W.): due FRIDAY Tests will be given on Thursday of this week due to Earth & Science Day schedule on Friday 4/13 Reading: THURSDAY Cold-read comprehension test Orange Vocabulary Workshop: THURSDAY Unit 11 Assessment Language: Graded Classwork Spelling: Assessed through writing. Math: THURSDAY Refer to classwork for review of concepts April 13~ Earth & Science Day April 14~ Spring Fling, Music Performance Times: K: 11:30am 1st: 12pm 2nd: 12:30pm 3rd: 1pm Ms. Morrison & Ms. Doescher A note from the teachers