The greenhouse effect This PowerPoint presentation has been downloaded from Presentation written by John Clegg. © Copyright Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2008. Animation licensed from The Science Museum.
Before you watch Answer these questions: What do fossil fuels contain? What happens when we burn fossil fuels? What does a greenhouse gas do? What happens when more and more greenhouse gases go into the atmosphere? e) What happens when the Earth gets warmer?
Before you watch Do exercise 1 on the worksheet: ask and answer questions with your partner. 3. Discuss the answers to the questions in exercise 1 with your partner/group. Did you guess the answers correctly?
Watch 4. Watch the animation and do exercise 2 on the worksheet: complete the gaps.
After you watch 5. Do exercise 3 on the worksheet: talk about the pictures using the prompts.
Presentation (for classes working in groups only) 6. Give an oral commentary on the animation.