The Kindergarten Weekly News Writing and Handwriting Header Type here! The Kindergarten Weekly News 11/13/18-11/16/18 This Week’s Theme: The unit question for our 3rd reading unit is…How do changes affect us? The stories in this unit focus on changes with animals and how they grow, changes of how life today is different from long ago and changes in feelings. Math Essential Question: How do you measure an object compared to another? Objective 1: Compare lengths using taller than and shorter than with aligned and non-aligned end- points. Objective 2: Compare length measurements with string. Writing and Handwriting Writing: Journals (second stage of writing) which is drawing pictures and writing letters or words (sounding out words on their own phonetically) that align with prompt given by teacher. PSF writing drill- writing the CVC sounds for words given. Handwriting Without Tears: k,y,j Reading and Literature Story- Little Panda Comprehension: Compare and Contrast Conventions: Verbs Amazing Words: weigh, healthy, curious, measure, bamboo, explore Unit Question: What is unique about plants and animals? Question of the week? How does a panda change in its first year of life? Genre: Nonfiction Sight Words: with ,me, she Phonological Awareness: Counting words in a sentence, initial sounds, final sounds, rhyming, blending sounds and clapping syllables Decodable Book: Nat! Science: Pumpkins Social Studies: Thanksgiving
Important Dates to Remember the next box. PTSA TURKEY BINGO Thursday November 15, 2018 6:00-7:30 p.m. Multi-purpose room Breakfast Breakfast in the classroom is served from 7:45-8:00 a.m. It is important that your child arrives before 8:00 if he/she would like to eat. The breakfast bags are removed from the classrooms at 8:05 a.m. School starts promptly at 8:00 a.m. Students are marked tardy after 8:00. It is important that students arrive on time as it teaches the lifetime skill of being prompt. When students enter the classroom late it is disruptive to the learning of others. Thank you for helping your child develop good habits. Important Dates to Remember November 21-23 Thanksgiving Break No school December 4- Giving Closet open 3:00-4:00 December 6- Polar Express Night 5:30-7:00 Multi-Purpose Room December 7- Early Release 11:20 December 24- Jan. 4 Winter Break Library Library books should be returned each week. Mrs. Salcido- Every Wednesday Mrs.Kreitzman_ Every Thursday Ms. Proper- Every Friday