First Nations Ceremonies MYLES, SANDRA, HELEN, KAYLA, ROMAN
Nookwesikehyan (smudging) Smudging is a purification ceremony and the four medicines are sage, cedar, tobacco and sweetgrass these four medicines are made from mother Earth . The ceremony is to cleans the mind, body and spirit , it can take place at anytime and anywhere . Pipe carriers and elders recommend speaking in the traditional langue as they use the medicine. And then there is prays now this is a beautiful pray / pome and in there beliefs it is really important to do the pray as you Smudge , it talks about your body being cleansed and spiraling to the Heavens
Ka-Anishinaabe-Wiinsohwin (naming) 1. The naming ceremony is very important for both females and males. 2. Most people receive their spirit name before they reach adulthood However. 3. the parents and supporting adult's make a seiries of promises To the child 4. If one wants a spirit name there is a process they must go Through. 5. Ahsemaa tobacco is offered to an Elder who has a gift of giving Spirit names. 6. Then prayers and smudging are done during which time people receive there name from the elder.
Kaa-Tipaah-Chimoowin (Sharing Circle) - Extremely important first nations tradition. -Used to share thoughts, feelings, and experiences they had, often while hunting and gathering. - Often had one ruler who controlled the topic of the circle. - Talking sticks and feathers were harvested from local animals and plants. - No limit of how often these ceremonies could be held.
Kah-Koh-Ta-Kiitisowan (fasting) -fasting not normally practiced(unless elder gives permission) -children encouraged to fast before adulthood -lasts four cycles of 24 hrs. -no eating or drinking during this time -when a person fasts: the soul=stronger the body=weaker -mind becomes clearer -easier to receive messages from creator
Kaa-Nii pah-Kweshimonk (Sun Dance) -Practiced by many -dances/songs passed down by generations -drums made of animal skin and a wood frame -costumes made of animal skin and they were sewed together with -drum made from wood and animal skin –drum stick made from wood and animal fur/tails/feathers
Kah-Mah-Tootoonk (Sweat Lodge) -sweat lodge a.k.a. ceremonial sauna -practice by many tribes -Place of healing -Made from wood/stone -normally domed or oblong structure -inside - heated stones - water poured on stones to create steam -prayers/songs are shared
Medicine - Four main sacred medicines -Sage -used for smudging -found in the forest -Cedar -also used for smudging -in the mountains/forests -Sweetgrass -leavers are dried, braided and burned as incense -sacred plant used in rituals -Tobacco -offered in prayers -mainly used in pipe ceremonies