Chapter 12& 13 The North & The South “Jeopardy” Chapter 12& 13 The North & The South Edit the topic by double-clicking on Type the topic here.
1 2 3 4 5 Revolutions THE Institution Working Life The Slaves Double-click on each topic at the top to edit it. The numbers are all hyperlinked to the questions. The hyperlinks only work in the Slide Show view. Type Shift and F5 simultaneously to test your links.
It enabled people to send news quickly from coast to coast Revolutions: 1 point Why was the Telegraph significant? It enabled people to send news quickly from coast to coast On each question slide, you can double-click the white text to add a question. Take special care to not press Delete before editing the text, as it will remove the animations and possibly the formatting. To insert pictures, shapes, or Clip Art, too, go to the Insert ribbon. Double-click on the black text to enter the answer. The house in the bottom left corner will allow the students to return to Slide 2, where the question board is found. Make sure to change your Topic section at the top of your slides, too.
It produced more energy Revolutions : 2 points Why was coal a more appealing fuel source than wood? It produced more energy
Revolutions : 3 points What was the Industrial Revolution? A period of rapid growth during which machines became essential to industry
Revolutions : 4 points How did the transportation Revolution affect America’s farmers? Caused them to plow up the prairies, and cut down trees to make farmland out of the Midwest
Thomas Gibbons FEDERAL license had priority over Ogden’s STATE license Revolutions : 5 points What was the decision in the Case of Gibbons v. Ogden? Thomas Gibbons FEDERAL license had priority over Ogden’s STATE license
THE Institution : 1 point What event caused many states to strengthen their slave codes? Nat Turner’s Rebellion
THE Institution : 2 points How did wealthy white southerners use religion to justify the institution of slavery? God created some people to rule over others
THE Institution : 3 points What belief inspired Nat Turner to lead a group of slaves to kill slaveholders? He believed he was on a mission from God to free the slaves.
THE Institution : 4 points Why did southern cities and states pass laws to limit the rights of free slaves? White southerners feared former slaves would try to encourage slave rebellions
THE Institution : 5 points WILD CARD: What was one goal of scientific agriculture? To increase the production of crops by introducing the use of fertilizers
Hiring families of workers and dividing factory work into simple tasks Working Life: 1 point What was the Rhode Island System? Hiring families of workers and dividing factory work into simple tasks
Working Life : 2 points What were a few things that inventors of labor saving devices did to promote their products Provided free repairs, let customers buy on credit and gave public demonstrations
Working Life : 3 points What was a trade union? An organization of workers with a specific skill or from a single factory who tried to improve pay and working conditions for members
It shifted the location of production from homes to textile mills Working Life : 4 points How did water frame revolutionize the production of cloth? It shifted the location of production from homes to textile mills
Working Life : 5 points How did Francis Cabot Lowell’s new system affect workers in the textile industry? More mill workers were hired because Lowell’s power loom excited investors who helped his operation to expand
They told folktales with customary characters and morals The Slaves: 1 point How did enslaved parents pass down culture to their children? They told folktales with customary characters and morals
The Slaves : 2 points What have some historians called “the invisible institution”? Slave religion
The Slaves : 3 points What Job did drivers perform on Large southern plantations? They supervised the work of slaves. They made sure slaves followed orders and if they did not, they carried out punishment.
The fate of parents, brothers, sisters and children The Slaves : 4 points What would a slave have worried about most when up for auction? The fate of parents, brothers, sisters and children
Some states had literacy laws that prohibited teaching slaves The Slaves : 5 points Why was there a high rate of illiteracy among slaves? Some states had literacy laws that prohibited teaching slaves
Daily Double! Template designed by Theresa M. Dyson Computer Resource Specialist, Virginia Beach City Public Schools Adjunct Professor, Tidewater Community College As a team, decide how many of the points you already have you wish to wager. If you get the question correct, you will earn double the points you wagered. If you get the question incorrect, you will lose the points you wagered. Good luck!