World Views While understanding world view is very important, the term itself is extremely difficult to define! Comprised of assumptions—but not logically organized Assumptions worked into life through your nature as a person, your experiences, your family, your genetic heritage Like a set of map-making rules rather than the map itself. You see the map, but it was the rules that determined what you see.
World View: Assumptions Space Time Powers Knowledge Existence Logic Being
World Views: Our assumptions about . . . The nature of the world we inhabit Time Space All is interconnected Time is fluid/flexible Spaces can be holy, profane, taboo, powerful
World Views: Our assumptions about . . . The nature of us as people Being Existence Connections between this world and next Existence is much more than just physical
World Views: Our assumptions about . . . The nature of how we know Logic Knowledge Pragmatic orientation (we know by what works) Revelation and discovery Logic is relational and fuzzy rather than binary
World Views: Our assumptions about . . . The nature of the one we image Powers There are numerous powers which are central to folk religions. We will explore them in the next lecture