How Your Immune System Uses Its Memory By: Kristin Stevens
Question How does your immune system use its memory when you fighting diseases like the flu?
Backround There are many reasons why i chose this project. I picked it because I get sick a lot. Therefor, i wanted to find out how my body uses its memory to fight the disease. I chose to make a model showing this.
Hypothesis My hypothesis is that if i put in the first piece of magnet tape representing the human body then it will have the most iron filings on it (antibodies).
Dependent- Magnet Tape Variables Independent- Antibodies vs no antibodies Dependent- Magnet Tape Controlled- Amount of salt and Iron filings
Procedure Collect all materials Fill the jar up with one cup of salt and one tablespoon of iron filings. Shake jar until mixed Make antibodies made out of magnet tape, plastic wrap and ties. Put each antibody in separate and weigh the iron and salt on it. Record data Repeat steps 1-3
Data Weight of giron filings and salt left on the magnet in grams: Test 1: 8g Test 2: 14g Test 3:12g
Conclusion There are many reasons why your immune system uses its memory to fight diseases. In this experiment I used a magnet to represent an antibody to show how your immune system works. I found that there were more of the disease (iron) was on the magnet than the salt. My data does not support the hypothesis because I guessed that test 1 would have the most iron on it, but test 2 did. I learned that your body has to fight off a disease in order to get better. No problems occurred during this experiment, I would test it more than 3 times next time.