Unit 1: Bacteria & Antibiotics
(1) Bacteria vs. viruses Bacteria are living, single-celled organisms. Viruses are non-living structures. Both can cause infection.
(2) Problems w/addie Misdiagnosed Addie with Pneumonia. Gave Addie antibiotics for a “cold” she did not have. Contracted a 2nd type of resistant bacteria from ECMO tubes.
(3) “Resistant” & “Antibiotics” Antibiotics = Medicine used to kill bacteria. Antibiotics can ONLY be used on BACTERIA. Some bacteria are “Resistant” to some antibiotics. Resistant = The Bacteria cannot be killed by the antibiotics.
(4) Types of Antibiotics: Beta-Lactam Kill bacteria by preventing them from being able to make their cell wall, causing them to explode. Macrolides Kill bacteria by preventing their ribosomes from producing proteins, stopping all life processes. Quinolones Kill bacteria by breaking apart the cell’s DNA, stopping all life processes.
(5) MRSA The type of “resistant” bacterial infection Addie had was called “MRSA”. MRSA = Methicillin Resistant Bacteria Methicillin = Strong type of antibiotics Often enters through a cut/injury, and quickly shows signs of swelling, redness, flu-like symptoms and boils.
(6) Where is MRSA? Everywhere / Anywhere Originated in Hospitals, then spread to the Community More common on cloth surfaces, warm and moist areas, high-traffic surfaces and areas. Not as common on smooth and solid surfaces, cold and dry areas, areas rarely visited or used.
(7) Growing Bacteria We can grow bacteria on a gel-like substance called “Agar”. Agar contains the nutrients/food and water bacteria need to stay alive and grow. We contain the bacteria inside a “Petri Dish”.