INTD 61 perspective and rendering SketchUp tools
SketchUp tools demonstration …pipe …sphere …bar of soap
SketchUp tools assignment #3A: tool tutorials …go to the Google SketchUp tutorial website: …complete the following tutorials: components rotate follow me scale offset text & 3D text
SketchUp tools assignment #3B: pipe, sphere, bar of soap …read Chapter 6 in its entirety—participate in the pipe & sphere exercises as you are reading the text, then follow the steps to create a bar of soap the bar of soap is not going to be drawn to scale—we will focus on scale in future assignments this assignment is just to help you get the hang of using the textbook and various tools that SketchUp has to offer …export a jpeg image of your completed bar of soap and save it as “Assignment 3—your name” …save your SketchUp file as “Assignment 3—your name” this file should contain your efforts at making a pipe and a sphere as well as your completed bar of soap …“hand in” both files using the mysite dropbox