Essential Question: What were the Nazi ideology & policies that led to the Final Solution? What were the consequences of the Holocaust? Agenda for Unit 4: Holocaust
Introduction to the Holocaust What was the Final Solution (Holocaust)? Read the information in the handout “The Holocaust: How Could This Happen?” & answer the 14 questions provided Watch The Last Days Holocaust documentary The documentary will span parts of two days; Be mature & pay attention This lesson will end with a document-analysis activity
The Last Days The Last Days documentary on The Last Days, Part 1 The Last Days, Part 2 The Last Days, Part 3 The Last Days, Part 4 The Last Days, Part 5 The Last Days, Part 6
Essential Question: What were the Nazi ideology & policies that led to the Final Solution? What were the consequences of the Holocaust? CPWH Agenda for Unit 12.4: Holocaust & Last Days Discussion Today’s HW: 32.3 Unit 12 Test: Wed, April 13
Holocaust Document Analysis What are the important themes from the Holocaust? Examine each of the 10 images & identify how each might be related to the Holocaust Be prepared to share your answers
German children read an anti-Jewish propaganda book titled DER GIFTPILZ ( "The Poisonous Mushroom"). The girl on the left holds a companion volume, the translated title of which is "Trust No Fox." Germany, ca. 1938. #1
Identification badges for Jews in Germany #2
At the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Genetics, and Eugenics, a racial hygienist measures a woman's features in an attempt to determine her racial ancestry. Berlin, Germany, date uncertain. #3
Train car used to transport Jews from ghettos to concentration camps and extermination centers #4
Forged/fake Swedish passport used to help European Jews escape to Sweden #5
The gate at Auschwitz (Poland) that reads: “Work shall set you free The gate at Auschwitz (Poland) that reads: “Work shall set you free.” The gate was part of a propaganda campaign to disguise the true purpose of the Auschwitz extermination camp. #6
A can of Zyklon B poison that was used in Nazi gas chambers to exterminate Jews #7
Crematoria used in extermination camps to dispose of dead bodies #8
Piles of shoes from killed European Jews #9
An IBM machine that was used by the Nazis to keep records of the Final Solution #10