Early College High School Update
Early College High School Innovative high schools allow all students, including first-generation, at-risk, and economically disadvantaged, the opportunity to obtain a high school diploma while earning an Associate’s Degree from El Paso Community College at no cost to the students. The “school within a school” model allows students to experience a traditional high school setting that includes athletics, fine arts, CTE and other extra-curricular activities.
2021 Cohort PECHS 94 total students 81 from PMS 19 out of district YHSECA 98 total students 62 from YMS & RBMS 14 out of district Retaining students that are out of district
2021 Cohort Demographics PECHS 94 total students YHSECA 72% ED 42% At Risk 5% ELL 57% female 43% male YHSECA 98 total students 88% ED 37% At Risk 11% ELL 61% female 39% male
Summer Bridge Program PECHS 3 week TSI assessment program 58% passed Reading YHSECA 3 week TSI assessment program 35% passed Reading 72% passed Writing Character Education piece
Freshman Year Coursework PECHS BIOL 1306/1307 BIOL 1106/1107 EDUC 1300 ARTS 1301 YHSECA BIOL 1306/1307 BIOL 1106/1107 EDUC 1300 MUSI 1306 Courses are face to face Mention Academic Center and college tutors for support Plan for TSI re-testers
Extra Curricular Participation PECHS Athletics Fine Arts STEM Clubs/Organizations YHSECA Athletics Fine Arts STEM Clubs/Organizations Courses are face to face Mention Academic Center and college tutors for support Plan for TSI re-testers
New Early College High School Blueprint Beginning of the 2018-2019 school year, TEA will implement an updated Early College High School blueprint Among the key changes: Maintain a designated Early College High School website Maintain appropriate student ratios that reflect the district student population make-up Meet TSI passing standards
YISD Investment Average cost of textbooks at PECHS and YHSECA year 1 $123,705 Average cost of textbooks at PECHS and YHSECA year 2 $80,862 Average cost of textbooks at PECHS and YHSECA year 3 $263,740 Average cost of textbooks at PECHS and YHSECA year 4 $174,622 Average total cost of textbooks for one cohort at PECHS and YHSECA $642,929
Collective Cost to Families Average tuition for one student to earn an Associate’s Degree at EPCC $7,866 Average cost of textbooks for one student to earn an Associate’s Degree at EPCC $2,246 Average total cost of tuition and textbooks for one student to earn an Associate’s Degree at EPCC $10,112 Average total cost of tuition and textbooks for 200 students to earn an Associate’s Degree at EPCC $2,024,400
Return on Investment YISD Invests Families Save $642,929 $2,024,400 $642,929 $2,024,400 Students graduate with an Associate’s Degree from EPCC and are able to continue to earn university credits through the UTEP Accelerated Student Scholarship Program.