Introduction to R-2000 Homes Administrator 05/04/2019 A Historical Background
A Historical Background Introduction Identify the benefits of the R-2000 Standard of homes Marty Long Identify the benefits of the R-2000 Standard of homes Marty Long 05/04/2019 A Historical Background
A Historical Background Topics of Discussion Introduction Historical background R-2000 Standards Analysis Discuss questions 05/04/2019 A Historical Background
A Historical Background Topic One Introduction and Historical background R-2000 Standard is the “Cadillac” of home building Research project began in the mid 1970’s Develop energy efficient homes that were healthy and comfortable Major evolution in home building was to realize the “house as a system” Interaction of all components, each affecting the other Addresses the homeowners concerns for energy and environmental issues 05/04/2019 A Historical Background
A Historical Background Real Life Global warming and energy deficiencies have increased the demand for responsible construction. Consumer benefits are advanced building technology, improved air quality, energy savings, thus less impact on the environment 05/04/2019 A Historical Background
A Historical Background What This Means R2000 is the highest level of quality building methods available. Exceeds building code standards Environmentally friendly Energy efficient Safer indoor air quality Government of Canada certified Better home for your family 05/04/2019 A Historical Background
A Historical Background Next Steps Questions Thank you for your participation 05/04/2019 A Historical Background