Executive Branch Governor General Prime Minister Cabinet Bureaucracy
Executive Branch is composed of three elements: Symbolic [Queen, Governor General] Political [PM and Cabinet] Permanent workers [Bureaucrats]
Governor General Ceremonial role, no real power. Term last six years max Until 1952 the Queen selected a person from Britain; since 1952 the Prime Minister selects a person from Canada David Johnson
The single most important person in Canadian government. Justin Trudeau Prime Minister The single most important person in Canadian government.
Prime Minster’s Four Types Of Power: Party Leadership Appointment Governmental Organization Dissolution
Party Leadership PM is the leader of his or her government party PM enforces government party solidarity -- everyone in the party agrees on important issues
As Party Leader the PM Appoints and Controls the Cabinet The Government Cabinet is a group of MPs the Prime Minister chooses to help him/her lead the government Cabinet Minsters are in charge of important areas of government, such as Finance (money), Military and the Environment
Power of Appointment PM chooses MPs from his Party for Cabinet. The PM considers the following six things when he/she chooses: gender & ethnic factors every province and major cities Ontario and Quebec have the most Ministers
Power of Appointment some French and some English speaking Ministers loyalty to the party ability to do the job
Power of Government Organization PM appoints Cabinet members, and may fire them at anytime PM decides the size of Cabinet PM chooses who are the most important Cabinet Ministers
Power of Dissolution In the Constitutional rules the Governor General dissolves parliament and calls an election. In reality the Prime Minster tells the Governor when to call an election
Power of Dissolution PM must call an election : Every five years under Constitutional rules OR If the Prime Minister’s Party is a minority government and the Opposition votes against the PM in the House of Commons
Bureaucracy The bureaucracy are the people that work for the Government of Canada. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet Ministers are their bosses.