Year 3….In brief! Celebration names… Welcome back! Curriculum updates: 3C – Elliot H for always participating and sharing interesting and well thought out ideas in English. 3B – Isla L for outstanding effort in class – particularly in her maths and IPC work. 3R – Felicity G for working hard in all areas. 3S – George for outstanding effort in all areas. English: To use role play to show actions. To use music to simulate description. To understand what similes and metaphors are and use them in a sentence. Maths: I can tell and write the time to the nearest minute on a 12-hour clock (with hands). I can read time on a 24-hour clock. Estimate and measure time to the nearest minute. Curriculum updates: IPC – Footprints from The Past Science – Rocks PSHE/P4C –Going for goals! R.E – Christianity and The Church P.E – Gymnastics/Dance French – Days of the week Computing –Scratch Welcome back! Notices: Homework is due in on Wednesday. Times Tables test will be carried out on Thursday and spellings on Friday. Pupils will need their P.E. kit on Wednesday.