St. Margaret Class teacher: Mr Loynes Teaching assistant: Mrs Cook Welcome to Year 6 St. Margaret Class teacher: Mr Loynes Teaching assistant: Mrs Cook St. Claire Class teacher: Mrs Bull Teaching assistant: Mrs Kenny
What you need to know… PE kits and uniform Homework/home learning Support for learning Reading support Parent – teacher communication Expectations for behaviour Behaviour policy
PE kits and uniform PE sessions will take place on Wednesday(outside) with the Sports Coach teaching a variety sport skills throughout the year and indoor PE. Children must ensure they have the correct kit for both sessions: Plimsolls only for indoor Tracksuit (plain, dark) and suitable trainers for outdoor Water bottles – water only! Correct book bags and PE kit bags only! Homework/learning Homework will go out on Wednesday and Friday and it is expected that children will have completed these on Tuesday and Thursday to complete each piece. This is in addition to termly spellings, home reading and daily times tables practice
Homework Projects – NEW Replacing the previous grid homework we will now be introducing a homework project that will be related to our class topic. There will be a similar range of tasks in which the children choose as many as they wish to complete for us to display in our classrooms. At the end of the term there will be a Project exhibition in which all projects across the school will be display The expectation is that each child will complete at least one before the Project exhibition
Support with learning The school expectations for parent support remains the same; different children will require different levels of support but all children should receive input at home to support their in-class learning Homework is monitored and you will be contacted if your child is regularly not completing homework activities – if you need support, speak to us as soon as possible! Reading Children in year 6, regardless of their reading ability, should be listened to each day – please ensure that you are signing their reading records Buster Book Club is continuing and children should record how long they read for each Wednesday night, to be tallied up on a Thursday morning. The bookmarks must be signed by parents! Again, this is monitored and expectations are that all children try and reach their 30 minute weekly target.
Parent – teacher communication We are available from Monday to Friday (excluding Wednesday) after school so feel free to make an appointment if you ever need to discuss anything. The sooner the better so that concerns/issues can be addressed promptly! School expectations with important messages that can’t be delivered directly to the class teacher are received in writing e.g. if children need to leave early/arrive late due to appointments, excused from PE for medical reasons, change of home time arrangement.
Break Time Snacks Children are allowed to have biscuits or fruit for their break time snacks and will be placed in the box in the morning, as the trolley will go into the servery in the morning. Children should bring in their own water bottle Expectations All children are expected to arrive punctually, in time for the register at 08.55am. Obviously exceptional circumstances sometimes occur but punctuality/attendance is monitored by the school. Similarly children must attend if they are well enough, according to the attendance policy (see website) Golden Rules are displayed in the classroom and around the room and all pupils have signed and agreed the class charter – behaviour standards are high in year 6!
SATs Monday 13 May English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2 Tuesday 14 May English reading Wednesday 15 May Mathematics papers 1 and 2 Thursday 16 May Mathematics paper 3 Mrs Blanden will host an informational evening regarding the SATs closer to the date. However…
Reading Speed Reading Word count: question booklet/texts combined 2999 words, 33m Maths Word count – impact of the increase from 2,170 to 2,327 Impact of reading speed – 90wpm (26 minutes to read papers)
The importance of Practise! 44.3%
A final request… 5th October – Year 6 Cake Sale! Children will need to bring in their own cakes and they will be sold at the end of the day Raising money for MacMillan and ICT/PE resources.