The Rules You will work in assigned TEAMS, To prepare for a test you will take ALONE Individual scores for each group will determine a TEAM SCORE. Team scores will earn BONUS POINTS that will be added to your individual scores.
For example… If everyone on your team scores a perfect, you can add 5 bonus points to your score and you are a PERFECT TEAM Teams averaging 13-14 correct earn 3 bonus points per individual as a SUPER TEAM Teams averaging 10-12 correct earn 2 bonus points per individual as a GREAT TEAM Teams averaging 7-9 correct earn 1 bonus point per individual as a COMING ON STRONG TEAM
QUIZ Please switch to a group in which none of your teammates are sitting. Put everything away and get out a writing utensil. Take the quiz. When everyone is finished trade your paper with someone not in your group. After everyone is done grading, return to your team and average your scores. Add your bonus points and turn in to the teacher.
Favoring the interests of native born people over the interests of immigrants. Nativism
Nativism Favoring of native born people over immigrants. What does this mean? Who, in your opinion falls into that group? Where are most immigrants from during this time period?
Reduced the immigration quota for each nationality to 2% of the 1890 figures. Immigration Act of 1924.
Immigration Act of 1924 Focused on who? What is a quota? Why do American citizens support quotas? What is the meaning of this editorial cartoon?
Reform efforts to curb or limit alcohol consumption. The Temperance Movement
The Temperance Movement How did people feel about the consumption of alcohol? What did it result in?
Period of anti-communist hysteria following the Bolshevik Revolution. The Red Scare
The Red Scare Why is it called the Red Scare? How are suspected Communists treated? What is the domino effect? Why do Americans fear and hate communists?
Shift from wartime preparations to peacetime economy. Demobilization
Demobilization How did the war affect America? What is normalcy? What happens on the homefront after the war?
Mass movement of African Americans from the South to the North between 1915 and 1930. The Great Migration
Great Migration Who is this man? How is he a symbol of the Great Migration? Why North? What influence does this migration have on society?
Launched by the U.S. Attorney General to capture alleged radicals. Palmer Raids
Palmer Raids Who is the target and why? What spurs these raids? How do you think suspects are treated?
Legal ban on the manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcohol. Prohibition
Prohibition Who drove this legislation? When did it go into effect? What amendment is Prohibition?
Movement that called for African Americans to have their own country. Black Nationalism
Black Nationalism What is this a picture of? How does it represent black nationalism? What country is set up for this purpose?
Founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association in 1914 and encouraged pride in African heritage. Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey How were African Americans viewed at this time? Supporter of Pan-Africanism Died after reading a false obituary
Expressed racial intolerance through beatings, lynchings and kidnappings The Ku Klux Klan
Ku Klux Klan
Noted writer and speaker who is deported during the Red Scare. Emma Goldman
Emma Goldman Known as “Red Emma” Lithuanian Anarchist. What is an anarchist? Deported to Russia in 1919
Nicola ______________ was tried and executed for a crime he may not have committed. Sacco
Nicola Sacco Who was his partner? Why was he targeted?
His house was damaged by a bomb and it would lead to his organization of raids against alleged anarchists, communists and socialists. A. Mitchell Palmer
A. Mitchell Palmer What were his raids called? Who did the raids focus on and why? How did this fuel the Red Scare?
Bartolomeo ________________ was one of the two Italian anarchists who was tried unfairly and sentenced to death. Vanzetti
Bartolomeo Vanzetti How did the world react? What happens to he and his accomplice?
For example… Teams in which everyone scores a 15 earn 5 bonus points and are a PERFECT TEAM Teams averaging 13-14 correct earn 3 bonus points per individual as a SUPER TEAM Teams averaging 10-12 correct earn 2 bonus points per individual as a GREAT TEAM Teams averaging 7-9 correct earn 1 bonus point per individual as a COMING ON STRONG TEAM