The French Revolution
Review of the Causes Decades of Paying for War Seven Years War (French and Indian War) Providing Aid during the American Revolution Deep National Debt The monarchy and nobles used the countries wealth to live in luxury The expensive wars had left the country almost bankrupt Must tax citizens to get money. Nobles and Clergy(Religious People) don’t have to pay taxes All taxation falls on the peasantry or working poor(the third estate) Due to a bad harvest which led to bad economic times they were unable to pay this tax.
The Revolution
Estates General King Louis XVI tried to solve the financial crisis by increasing nobles tax. However, the nobility saw themselves as better than the third estate. The Parliament, was controlled by the nobility, and they used their powers to block the King's move. Louis XVI was forced reluctantly to call a meeting of the Estates General in 1788.
Meeting of the Estates General May 5, 1788
Meeting of the Estates General The members of the third estate insisted that the three orders meet together and that the vote be taken by head(popular vote), rather than by order. Since there were far more delegates from the third estate, this plan would give them a majority. The King refused to grant their request.
Tennis Court Oath After being ignored at the Estates General, the Third Estate decided to form their own laws. French government realizes what the Third Estate doing and forces them out into the cold. The 3rd Estate then works on a new Constitution in an indoor tennis court.
The Tennis Court Oath by Jacques Louis David
The National Assembly The King eventually ordered the first and second estates to join the new National Assembly. The new National Assembly created The Declaration of the Rights of Man. The National Assembly resolved the immediate financial crisis with The Civil Constitution of the Clergy Seizing church lands Putting the church under the control of the State
Declaration of the Rights of Man "Men are born free and equal in their rights....These rights are liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression. The fundamental source of all sovereignty resides in the nation. The law is the expression of the general will. All citizens have the right to take part personally, or through representatives, in the making of the law." The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
The Civil Constitution of the Clergy
The Storming of the Bastille Conditions were poor in Paris for the common people. The price of bread was high and supplies were short due to harvest failures. Rumors spread that the King and Queen were responsible for the shortages On July 14, 1789, the mob, joined by some of the King's soldiers, stormed the Bastille. The commander of the Bastille, de Launay, attempted to surrender, but the mob would not accept it. He was killed as they poured through the gates. No guard was left alive.
The Fall of the Bastille
The Execution of Louis XVI On August 10, 1792, the mob attacked the Tuileries, they killed the King’s Guards and the royal family barley escaped. This was the end of the constitutional monarchy The National Convention decided to put Louis on trial for his crimes. On January 23, 1793 Louis Capet went to the guillotine and was beheaded.
Guillotine Fun Fact: The Last Guillotine Execution was in 1977!