The art of writing and speaking effectively and persuasively The Art of rhetoric The art of writing and speaking effectively and persuasively Mrs. Zoratti
According to Aristotle… There are three main forms of rhetoric: Ethos: The persuasive appeal of one's character and credibility (Ethics) Logos: The appeal to reason or logic. Pathos: The appeal to emotion (empathy or sympathy) In order to be a more effective reader and writer, you must understand these three terms. For the purposes of this PowerPoint, I will primarily use advertisements to demonstrate these appeals.
Ethos Ethos is appeal based on the character of the speaker. An ethos-driven document relies on the authority or reputation of the author or speaker.
More Ethos- Based Ads
logos Logos is appeal based on logic or reason. Corporate documents and advertisements are often logos- driven.
Logos-based ads often include data as a persuasive appeal.
Pathos appeal to emotion pathos-driven advertisements include those for fashion (desire to fit in), for toothpaste (fear of stained teeth), and for beauty products (feel better about yourself), to name a few. Oftentimes, simply invoke an “awwww” feeling.
Pathos can play on our fears Pathos can play on our desire to look a certain way or to fit in.
Review: Identify the appeals
Review: Identify the appeal
Review: Identify the appeal
Review: Identify the appeal