AIG Informational Meeting September 26, 2018
Agenda Welcome Stay Connected District AIG Information School-level Information DEP High School Information Questions?
Sign In Please make sure you have signed in. Please get a copy of the DEP.
Text @abssai to 81010 to receive district AIG text notifications Stay Connected District AIG page My website Email me-- Call me-- (336) 438-4000, ext. 40327 Sign up for text reminders from District AIG office. Text @abssai to 81010 to receive district AIG text notifications
District AIG Information The district AIG Page contains information about the AIG Plan for 2016-2019. The page also contains links to the newsletter and information on how to sign up for text reminders. There are also links to parent/students resources. (Duke TIP, Governor’s School, etc. Text @abssai to 81010 to receive district AIG text notifications.
School-level AIG Information AIG students served primarily by classroom teachers. Advanced courses in ELA and Grades 6-7 math. Math 1 in 8th grade. Further course acceleration in math, if applicable. Differentiation options—tiered assignments, project and problem-based learning, Paideia teaching, curriculum compacting, emphasis on higher order thinking. Co-planning and co-teaching with AIG teacher. Accelerated students receive additional services during interventions with AIG teacher.
DEP Differentiated Education Plan –must be reviewed each year. You will receive a copy today. No requirement to sign and return this year.
Additional Opportunities 7th graders—Duke TIP program for students with qualifying score 8th graders—Credit by Demonstrated Mastery –process for receiving credit for high school courses without any seat time in the course. Window opens on October 1, 2018. Applications are due to Beverly Vernon on or before December 20, 2018. (I strongly suggest turning in before December 14, 2018.) See Curriculum page for details.
High School Information No officially designated AIG classes in high school. Students and parents choose advanced options such as honors, AP, CTEC, CCP, and/or IB courses., for example. Options in ABSS AP Capstone at Western High Sean Quinn is the contact. He is here tonight to share some information. IB program at Williams High ib-diploma-programe/contact-information Neil Schledorn is the contact. NC School of Science and Math—Information session at CTEC on Monday, Oct. 8 at 6 pm. Admissions counselor from NCSSM will be there to provide information. NCSSM has residential, online, and individual course options.