Learn From Past Get organized BE ONE Future is yours Campaign to establish Freedom of Association in India
Time Frame Aimed to complete before the next parliamentary elections Oct 2011 to Aug 2013 Preparations, Resource Mobilization, Campaign, Demonstrations
BACKGROUND & JUSTIFICATION Absence of legislations to protect the ‘Freedom of Associations’ and right to get recognization of union No ratification of ILO conventions on this effect by Indian Goverment. More than 70% of workers are not organized. Denial of “right to organize” Ex :- MARUTI & HONDA workers’ struggle. IN Govt. sector no right to form union for casual, daily wages and Contract workers Private sector = increasing numbers of unprotected workers at the shop floor. Resulting in poor bargaining capacity of trade unions.
Results in Reduction of labour cost Resulting in ‘high wage Islands’ within institutions Enables Employers to prevent the workers to form Trade Unions.
Target Group Central Trade Unions and Federations Regional Trade Unions and state level unions TU officers and Executive Committee Members Shop floor level and unit level leaders Active members of Union General body of the union
Peoples’ Representatives Officer of Labour Ministry Eminent Personalities in the society
Objectives Joint convention of Central TUs and Federations on ‘Freedom Of Association & TU Recognition” Evolving time bound plan with mutual acceptance. Wide nation level campaign and Mobilization of large number of workers in movement
Activities to Achieve Joint Campaign in Medias throughout country State level and District Level conventions on the Issue Identifying and training of Cadres and Making Regional campaign team Mass campaign in Industrial Areas, suburban and localities.
Local level Mass mobilization and protests District level and State level Protests and submission of memorandum insisting for legislation National level mass demonstration just before the Parliamentary elections.